Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day is gone already!?!?!

So, I can't believe Thanksgiving has already happened! I swear just a few days ago it still seemed like it was forever away! This is so exciting because the faster time flies the quicker my husband will be home! I'm a little disappointed that the plans fell through and (apparently) he will no longer be home for Christmas :(. But, I suppose we can just hold it late.....poor Killian! He's not going to appreciate having to wait to open his presents!! He might understand though. Anyways, I had a fabulous weekend! Heather was generous enough to invite me and the boys over for Thanksgiving with her and her sister and the rest of thier family, and Ms. Ashley. We had fun, I think the best part was watching Ashley try to play guitar hero....haha. Then my Aunt, cousin and her son came to visit Friday! They just left a few hours ago, and we had a great time while they were here. We even managed to finally get my living room rearranged so I'll have the perfect place for my Christmas tree. I think I like it this way a TON better, it seemed so small and kind of dark before and now it looks much better and more open! Well, that's pretty much all that's been happening. I can't wait until next month!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's been a while.

So, I haven't posted in a while. Well, Megan left today and we had a great time with her while she was here. Her husband was able to fly out and spend 2 days here as well, so that was exciting, especially for Killian who hasn't had any male attention in months. He definitely loved seeing his Aunt and Uncle! (Although he made it quite clear that Chris was his favorite grown belief is because he didn't get on to him for anything, lol.) The kids and I are having a great time. Connor finally popped a fourth tooth! Man was he incredibly fussy the last day and 1/2.....I'm seriously not kidding, I was worried that my perfect baby was changing and not for the better! (How could he get better?? haha.) And Killian is doing awesome in school. He's got his test on word list 9 Friday and hopefully he will pass, then only 2 to go!! I know I blog about these word lists a lot, but that's because they are annoying! I did a little online shopping today and got a killer deal on a coat for Killian. They had fleece lined coats that were normally $60 on sale for $15, and I got him a dinosaur raincoat, umbrella and rain boots that were also on sale hella cheap. Normally just the coat runs $28 and I got all 3 items for $30!! I also did some mad Gymboree shopping, and Ashley can say what she will, but the clothes were effing cute! Connor got basically everything he will need for the rest of winter....but I might go back and get just a few more things that I want that I didn't see before. I also earned some more Gymbucks so life is exciting!! I love shopping, I really might need therapy....NOT retail though, like real therapy, haha. That's pretty much all I've done lately. I'm thinking Friday or Saturday night I'll take the boys to the laser light show at the planetarium. Killian really wants to see the Guitar Hero one. I feel bad because the tiny fair is back in town, and we drive by it almost every time we go somewhere, and he REALLY wants to go, but we went last year and it sucked! It's so small, and he always wants to ride the bigger rides because there aren't many kids rides, and he can't because he's too small, then we leave with him disappointed that he couldn't ride anything else. Also, I would have to ride some rides with him and I have no one to watch Connor while I do that, + I just think it's not worth the money. Ok, enough rambling about the fair! Well, my sister FINALLY got married last Friday (yes, on my can tell how much she really loves me!) and I'm super excited for her. They should be getting back from thier honeymoon tomorrow so I'm excited to hear all about it. It was a bummer I wasn't able to make it home for the wedding though. And I just found out my cousin is getting married next month and he and his fiance are planning on trying to start a family in March! That is incredibly exciting because he will make one helluva dad! He's wanted kids for a while now, and I felt a little guilty last time I saw him because his first marriage ended over children (he wanted them, she didn't) and I was pregnant, and it was still a pretty new situation (being a divorcee) for him, so I'm very happy for him and his bride to be! Well, that's about all I have to blog about for now. Hope all is well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I updated some past blogs. I put new pics and in the "Sleepy", ""....Shiners", and "Busy" blogs and I'm currently posting a video of the babies at the bottom of the "Sleepy" blog. I think I also added some to the "Halloween" blog too.....idk, I'm tired! Well, we had a great holiday and I can't wait until Thanksgiving. I'm contemplating going up to OK for that, but we'll see. Then it will only be a few weeks until I finally get to see my husband! I'm so excited, I just can't wait. Even though we had our first "official" phone fight the other was stupid and petty, just nonsense that's irking both of us....speaking of, does anybody want a Saturn SC something or other??....anywho, lol, I know this doesn't make a lick of sense, but the Saturn is one of our topics of disagreement right now. I think the stress is starting to get to him, he's really disliking the location that he's in. I hope there's a remedy to that issue SOON! Not just for him but the people with him and/or in the same boat as him. It's just a bad situation for all involved. Anywho, hopefully he'll be doing better ASAP. That's pretty much it for now, I'm so incredibly tired, we had more Dolch words tonight.....he tests on list 7 tomorrow, then (if he passes) only 4 lists left to learn!! We're over 1/2 way done now! I can't wait for these things to be over, but I can guarantee that as soon as they are, they'll come out with something else that's as equally frustrating and time consuming! Oh well, what can ya do? Kid's gotta get an education, so I guess we'll just be toughing it out for the next 13 years.