Thursday, November 6, 2008


I updated some past blogs. I put new pics and in the "Sleepy", ""....Shiners", and "Busy" blogs and I'm currently posting a video of the babies at the bottom of the "Sleepy" blog. I think I also added some to the "Halloween" blog too.....idk, I'm tired! Well, we had a great holiday and I can't wait until Thanksgiving. I'm contemplating going up to OK for that, but we'll see. Then it will only be a few weeks until I finally get to see my husband! I'm so excited, I just can't wait. Even though we had our first "official" phone fight the other was stupid and petty, just nonsense that's irking both of us....speaking of, does anybody want a Saturn SC something or other??....anywho, lol, I know this doesn't make a lick of sense, but the Saturn is one of our topics of disagreement right now. I think the stress is starting to get to him, he's really disliking the location that he's in. I hope there's a remedy to that issue SOON! Not just for him but the people with him and/or in the same boat as him. It's just a bad situation for all involved. Anywho, hopefully he'll be doing better ASAP. That's pretty much it for now, I'm so incredibly tired, we had more Dolch words tonight.....he tests on list 7 tomorrow, then (if he passes) only 4 lists left to learn!! We're over 1/2 way done now! I can't wait for these things to be over, but I can guarantee that as soon as they are, they'll come out with something else that's as equally frustrating and time consuming! Oh well, what can ya do? Kid's gotta get an education, so I guess we'll just be toughing it out for the next 13 years.


ARMYEOD07 said...

Tom must be riding the same boat as Elliott.....6 more weeks!!!