Friday, September 26, 2008

Iraq and insomnia

So, it's almost 1/2 way through the tour and so far time has gone by really quickly. Elliott finally has good enough internet that he gets on to talk about every day now, so that's good. We talked about getting him a cell phone but since the tour's almost 1/2 done and he gets one call a week we don't really see the point. Anywho, he seems to be doing ok and he finally sent some pictures, and I have a few from Bernie (thanks!) so that was exciting. He hasn't sent me any pics since being there. I asked him if he wanted a camera and he said no thanks since last time he managed to wreck 2 digital cameras.... but R&R is coming up quicker than I can prepare for! There's so much happening in between now and then with baby showers, holidays and family visiting that I'm sure it will come faster than I can blink. I can't believe how quickly everything is moving! I think Connor helps to make the time pass quicker since he gets bigger and seems to learn something new almost each day. Killian is a huge comic relief, he's such a goofball, but 6 year olds don't grow at quite the rate of 6 month olds. Connor, however, seems to be the insomniac in the family all of a sudden. I have no clue what's going on with him?? He's been sleeping through the night since he was about 7 weeks old and now all of a sudden he wants to wake up EVERY night as soon as I start falling asleep. It's really odd, and I'm not sure why it's happening. Maybe it's the ear infections? Maybe teething?? I don't know but I sure hope it ends soon! Well, I guess I better get going, I need to update his height and weight in the baby book before I forget what they were and I also need to finish up my dishes!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Something Exciting has happened!

Killian went to school today (duh) and he passed his "words" test 100%!!!! I was a little worried because he had them down pat here, I was just curious as to whether or not he'd know them when the teacher asked him what they were. Well, today was only supposed to be practice test to see where he was at as far as learning them, and I got a note in his folder that said "Start practicing list 2 because he tested them all right!" I was so proud! I almost started crying. It's awesome that the "method" we have for learning the words is working. I was worried that I may not be getting through to him fully, but apparently I am. Well, anyways, that's about it. Now my next worry is will they test him on List 2 Friday since he was supposed to take the "real" test for list 1 on Friday? Oh well, it only took a few days to learn the last list. Hopefully school will keep going this well.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sippy cup bound and birthday parties!

So, this weekend was fantastic. Killian had his birthday party and he had a GREAT time. Thanks so much to everyone who came! I hope you all had as much fun as we did! So, it's official (supposedly) they've lowered the length of the deployment, which is AWESOME! (Sorry, I love ot all caps certain I'm pretty damn excited and that means instead of the tour being 1/2 way over when Elliott takes R&R, it will be 2/3 over! How exciting is that? Connor is still growing like a weed, although compared to certain 7 month olds he could pass as a Ahhh, Christina's baby is so freaking cute! I just can't believe how big he is! Well, anways Connor is on sippy cups! I'm so excited! All it took was a tiny amount of patience and small amount of trickery. I let him suck on the binky a few times to get used to the sucking motion, then I yanked it out and switched it with the cup really quick, and just like that he was A-OK with them! All it took was figuring out that the same stuff comes out of the cup... He's working through double ear infections, but he's doing pretty awesome. If you didn't know how happy he normally is, you'd never even know he's sick now. He's also sitting up by himself without using his one hand to hold him up. So he's getting more and more independent by the day :(. lol. Well, not too much else is happening, that's pretty much it. Sex and the City the Movie comes out Tuesday! I love that movie!! Well, I guess that's it and when something else new or exciting happens I will post again!

P.S. I'll also post pics of the birthday party later.....the camera is somewhere in the car in one of about 6 bags that I don't really feel like digging through right now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Week In Review

So, last Tuesday my first "baby" turned 6. That's a little exciting and a little sad! I really can't believe how fast everything is going. Well, anyways, things have been pretty interesting around here. Connor is starting "real" foods. He's already tried squash, sweet potatoes, rice cereal with apples and apple juice. We introduced the sippy cup and while he did drink out of it, he did NOT like it! I think the flow was just too fast because he would take a few drinks, then have to stop, cough and breathe. So we will hold off on trying those again for a week or two. Killian (unsuccessfully) tried to make his own popcorn. He seriously put a bag in the microwave for a ridiculous amount of time. I have no idea how long it was, but it was enough that now, 3 days later, my house STILL smells like nasty, burnt popcorn. My neighbor was watching him, they were all playing outside and he ran in really quick and that's when he decided to try to make himself a snack. I had already caught him earlier when I heard him push the microwave button and he was trying to cook it for 5 minutes. I stopped it and told him that he couldn't have popcorn right then because I was about to go get dinner and that he needed to ask for help because he had set it for WAY too long. So much for listening! I swear, this one and his hard head, I just don't know what to do some times. But the popcorn ended up being a big black square on the side of the bag. I should've taken a picture. Then, we went to Cheddar's last night for dinner, and it was kinda crappy! Heather had ordered a dessert and they accidentally sent it to the wrong table, well, we told our waitress and it took the like 45 minutes to come and bring it out. It was ridiculous. So, I think I've actually had my fill of Cheddar's for a I think tonight we're going to go to Texas Roadhouse since his Aunt Lora sent him another giftcard for his birthday and he really wants to use it. He loves getting gift cards and paying for things himself. He was a little disappointed when we got to Cheddar's last night, he was like "Cheddar's? I thought we were going to Texas Roadhouse...." So I guess I will drive him so he can take me to dinner tonight, lol. He's doing really well in school lately. No blowing in other people's hair or anything. And he's also started READING!!!! He's very excited about this. He alread knows the words: a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, far, go, cat and cats, up, see, I and help. That's all I can think of right now but I think it's pretty damn good! Well, that's all for now.