Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sippy cup bound and birthday parties!

So, this weekend was fantastic. Killian had his birthday party and he had a GREAT time. Thanks so much to everyone who came! I hope you all had as much fun as we did! So, it's official (supposedly) they've lowered the length of the deployment, which is AWESOME! (Sorry, I love ot all caps certain I'm pretty damn excited and that means instead of the tour being 1/2 way over when Elliott takes R&R, it will be 2/3 over! How exciting is that? Connor is still growing like a weed, although compared to certain 7 month olds he could pass as a Ahhh, Christina's baby is so freaking cute! I just can't believe how big he is! Well, anways Connor is on sippy cups! I'm so excited! All it took was a tiny amount of patience and small amount of trickery. I let him suck on the binky a few times to get used to the sucking motion, then I yanked it out and switched it with the cup really quick, and just like that he was A-OK with them! All it took was figuring out that the same stuff comes out of the cup... He's working through double ear infections, but he's doing pretty awesome. If you didn't know how happy he normally is, you'd never even know he's sick now. He's also sitting up by himself without using his one hand to hold him up. So he's getting more and more independent by the day :(. lol. Well, not too much else is happening, that's pretty much it. Sex and the City the Movie comes out Tuesday! I love that movie!! Well, I guess that's it and when something else new or exciting happens I will post again!

P.S. I'll also post pics of the birthday party later.....the camera is somewhere in the car in one of about 6 bags that I don't really feel like digging through right now.


Robin said...

you crack me up my dear!