Friday, September 26, 2008

Iraq and insomnia

So, it's almost 1/2 way through the tour and so far time has gone by really quickly. Elliott finally has good enough internet that he gets on to talk about every day now, so that's good. We talked about getting him a cell phone but since the tour's almost 1/2 done and he gets one call a week we don't really see the point. Anywho, he seems to be doing ok and he finally sent some pictures, and I have a few from Bernie (thanks!) so that was exciting. He hasn't sent me any pics since being there. I asked him if he wanted a camera and he said no thanks since last time he managed to wreck 2 digital cameras.... but R&R is coming up quicker than I can prepare for! There's so much happening in between now and then with baby showers, holidays and family visiting that I'm sure it will come faster than I can blink. I can't believe how quickly everything is moving! I think Connor helps to make the time pass quicker since he gets bigger and seems to learn something new almost each day. Killian is a huge comic relief, he's such a goofball, but 6 year olds don't grow at quite the rate of 6 month olds. Connor, however, seems to be the insomniac in the family all of a sudden. I have no clue what's going on with him?? He's been sleeping through the night since he was about 7 weeks old and now all of a sudden he wants to wake up EVERY night as soon as I start falling asleep. It's really odd, and I'm not sure why it's happening. Maybe it's the ear infections? Maybe teething?? I don't know but I sure hope it ends soon! Well, I guess I better get going, I need to update his height and weight in the baby book before I forget what they were and I also need to finish up my dishes!


Robin said...

ok, who is that and why is he flipping me off???

love_my_eod_guy said...

I have NO Probably one of the British guys from Basrah?? And maybe because Brits are mean?...haha, anywho, I have not a clue.