Monday, September 22, 2008

Something Exciting has happened!

Killian went to school today (duh) and he passed his "words" test 100%!!!! I was a little worried because he had them down pat here, I was just curious as to whether or not he'd know them when the teacher asked him what they were. Well, today was only supposed to be practice test to see where he was at as far as learning them, and I got a note in his folder that said "Start practicing list 2 because he tested them all right!" I was so proud! I almost started crying. It's awesome that the "method" we have for learning the words is working. I was worried that I may not be getting through to him fully, but apparently I am. Well, anyways, that's about it. Now my next worry is will they test him on List 2 Friday since he was supposed to take the "real" test for list 1 on Friday? Oh well, it only took a few days to learn the last list. Hopefully school will keep going this well.


Robin said...

GO KILLIAN!!!!! :)

Just another Army wife.... said...

He is such a good child...And smart to.... Oh and yea how bag has been looking at your blog and mine hehehe