Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone's is going better than mine so far! Killian is being a T-total brat, as usual. He threw a fit because Connor got a car that makes noise, and wasn't happy with the Star Wars toy that he got. He has wanted and begged for this Star Wars toy for about 3 months though, mind you. But, it obviously just wasn't good enough. So after sitting in his room for 15 mins. or so and not doing anything because he acted so awful, he decided to come and apologize. After that things were going well, until he decided to not listen to me....again. Really? What has happened to my kid?? He used to be so good, and now he's just a terror! I'm not kidding, he doesn't listen to ANYTHING I tell him. So after opening the toy with 100 little pieces that I told him to wait to open, he got in more trouble. And now he's just put me and everyone else into a bad mood. Good God I can't wait until his Dad comes home. Maybe it'll be what he needs to get back to his old self again. Or maybe he'll just be a monster for the rest of his life?? Who knows! I just know that it better end soon or I'm going to go INSANE! I've run out of punishment options, nothing I do seems to make an impact. Even taking away the video games has lost it's magic. Oh well, enough ranting. Have a great Easter (I hope!)