Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poor baby!

So, Connor is ill. What a bummer! And right before the Dad comes home and there's already a TON on my plate! I just hope he feels better soon, and it's only a 24 hr. thing. We were just sitting in the car, picking up Little Steve from school when I heard this awkward noise come from the backseat. I looked at Heather and said "did he just throw up?" and she said "Oh yeah he did! And he still is, and it's a lot!" So, I managed to clean him up as best as I could with some tissues, then Heather changed his shirt and we strapped him back in. He did alright on the ride back to Killeen and fell asleep, so I thought it was just a one time shot thing....maybe something from lunch didn't agree with him?? I went to stop by my house really quick to grab some things before I headed to get Killian and he started again :( I got him inside and ran him a bath. Heather hung out with him and washed him while he was in the tub, and he seemed to be feeling MUCH better. He was playing and babbling and what not, she took him out and got him dressed and I gave him some medicine (Emetrol) that's supposed to curb vommitting and nausea. Apparently in Connor it induced it. He threw up almost immediately after taking it. Then he played a little bit on the floor, mainly just because we were trying to tear the carseat apart to get it washed, and then he fell asleep. He slept for about 1/2 an hour or so before he woke up and seemed to be feeling better again. Then he decided to get down and play on the floor with Killian for a few minutes, and eat a cracker and drink a little juice, then he climbed back on the couch with me. That's when I noticed he felt incredibly warm all of a sudden. Sure enough, his temp is 103.2! Poor baby! I gave him some tylenol and motrin and now he's back asleep. Here's hoping this thing doesn't last long! I hate it when they have fevers, I know how uncomfortable they are. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to the shop and decorate for the homecoming, but I'm not sure that we'll be staying long! I guess we'll see when the time comes. This seriously seemed to come out of nowhere! Just a 1/2 hour before he was climbing up Tina's stairs and having a great time, then all of a sudden there's puke EVERYWHERE! It's so random! So maybe it will leave just as quickly as it came! I know this seems long and drawn out, but seriously all of this happened between 3 and 5:30. That's just wierd to me. Out of nowhere he starts throwing up?? Then out of nowhere comes a fever?? What the crap? Ok, I think I'm