Saturday, April 11, 2009


So, I took the boys to the Dr. on Monday to check thier weights. I have no idea why she seemed concerned about Connor, we've never had a problem with his, but mainly Killian's since he dropped weight a few months ago. Both of them are ok as far as that goes, Connor is 19 and 3/4, Killian is still at 37. Then on Tuesday BOTH of them woke up sick!! Fanfreakingtastic. It's just wonderful to have 2 normal kids one day and 2 cranky, coughy, stuffy nose, bratty kids the next day! + Connor is cutting 2 teeth which also adds to his crankiness. I guess it isn't so bad, I'm just not used to him acting like this! Killian either has another, or still has the same, ear infection. It's never been this bad before. It started draining yesterday and when I woke up this morning he was sleeping in an upright position on the couch, and there was like a pool of fluid in his ear. It seriously took a paper towel and about 12 Q-Tips to get it all out! ICK! The only reason I'm waiting to take him in on Monday is that his Dr.'s know what antibiotic he was on last time and I can't remember the name of it. And it was some kind of strong one, not just normal amoxicillan or augmentin. Obviously they aren't working, and he's just going to develope an immunity to them if they keep on prescribing them. I don't know what they're going to do?? I just know that he's either had one recurring, ongoing one that the meds have subsided repeatedly without fully curing, or he every month he gets a new one. He's been having them regularly since November. This is nuts! He's six years old and hasn't had ear infections since he was around 1. I also think it's possible that Connor has one as well. He's had a lot of drainage and stuff so more than likely he will.

On to more exciting news...We're dying Easter eggs tonight! I LOVE helping Killian do this. And probably next year I'll love helping Connor also! Heather and Steve and Steve are coming over to do some also, and the neighbors kids might join in as well. I can't believe Easter is already so close! That means my husband's homecoming is becoming more of a 3 weeks to go instead of a 3 weeks down! I can't believe a year has almost passed since they left. It really doesn't seem like it's been that long. Yeah, there are days when it seems like he's been gone around 3 years, but for the most part it went by really quickly. I'm just not looking forward to the massive arguement that will ensue. Our giant debate about going home to South Carolina....I seriously want to go, especially since we are now limited to Summer and Christmas breaks with Killian in school. Elliott, however, would sooner scrape up cow crap off the side of the highway. Nice huh? It's not that he doesn't love his family, nor is it that he just doesn't want to see them, it's the bickering and what not that goes on between his Mother and whoever she happens to single out that day. He can't stand that she's so sensitive and gets upset over EVERYTHING that doesn't go her way....much like a 5 year old. I'm excited though! So excited! My banner should be here Monday, then I just need to get some other small decorations for the house and the tree outside, then some chalk paint for the car and house windows and we're set!


Renae said...

You're better than me dying the eggs! Too much of a mess! I wouldn't worry about the weight issue I think we just have tiny kids. Tyler is 5 and is only 38lbs and tatii isn't even on their weight charts, she is 2 1/2 and still comes in at 23lbs. We go in every month for a weight check and they say they are fine. I really don't know why they bother anymore. We just have tiny babies. I hope they feel better soon!!!

love_my_eod_guy said...

The only reason we were worried about Killian is he actually lost. He's always been little, which never really bothered me or anyone else, but when he lost weight I got worried. IDK what the deal is with Connor?? And the eggs weren't that bad, but we left the Tie Dye ones in Cove, so we shall see if I sing a different tune tomorrow! Oh well, at least that mess will be at Heather's, lol. Thanks! I hope they feel better too! And I hope they can get Killian in, his ear is really draining.....