Thursday, October 30, 2008

Busy night!

So, tonight shall be a busy one. We have to go get new Pj's for school tomorrow (while my child has TONS of pajamas, most of them are from last year and just a bit too small to be acceptable for school) and then we are going to do pics of the boys (6 mos. 6 years and Halloween), then we have Dolch words! Hooray! (Can you sense the sarcasm here?). I hate the Dolch words! Only 5 weeks left though.....assuming he keeps passing each week. He should probably have them done by the time Elliott gets home for R&R which is great, then we can spend our evenings doing more fun reading and stuff rather than these stinkin' word lists. Anywho, back on track, I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a picture CD so tonight I will post the pics of Killian in his vampire costume, makeup and all. I'm so excited. I love pictures! Well, that's pretty much it for now, I need to go get busy on getting thier outfits together and what not, + Connor has made his way to the laundry room and I don't want him to get stuck between the washer and dryer on top of the Tide box trying to reach the Downy ball again! Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC holiday tomorrow! I'm pretty sure I will!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Is coming SO fast! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get pics of Killian in his vampire costume. This is the first year I've ever gotten to paint his face (which is why I made the vampire sound so cool....I really wanted to paint his face, lol). I just hope it looks ok, I even got black hairspray and I'm gonna make a widow's peak and everything.....YAY! I just don't want to waste all the make-up practicing in case we mess up on the actual day which is why I have no pics of him in his costume yet. Don't worry, I'll get them in less than a week. We also carved pumpkins last night and I personally had a total blast! I love all things having to do w/ holidays and the fact that there's only 2 more before Christmas is just about the most exciting thing ever to me! I can't wait! (Especially this year.....) AHHH, so much fun and it's all just around the corner! I think I'm getting super excited simply because of the weather change. It's actually starting to feel like it's about to be Winter! Well, that's pretty much it for now, I just wanted to rave about holidays for a minute. CAN'T WAIT! (oh yeah, I'll get some pics of the pumpkins up soon! sorry, the ones I'll have in the dark are gonna kinda suck since one of the neighbor kids messed w/ mine so it looks all ghetto now!!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So, since I'm SUPER tired this will probably be a pretty short blog. I'm not sure when or what the last blog I posted is about so I'll just start from where I think I left off. Things have been crazy hectic but tons of fun lately. My sister in law came into town about a week and 1/2 ago, and having her here has been wonderful! We (Heather and I) threw Tina a baby shower last Saturday and I think it went quite well. It was great fun and we had a bunch of fantastic people come, although I think the best moments were watching the kids open the potty that had lemon jello w/ a baby ruth in the bowl and a couple of "dirty" diapers that had various random things in them (caramel sauce, chocolate syrup and relish to name a few of the items....) Killian is doing OK in school, he did excellent last week having gotten ALL greens and very good faces, but this week he's already gotten a sad face for crawling on the floor when he should have been reading. Hopefully things will turn around tomorrow! Connor is getting teeth! You can actually see and feel that one is pretty much fully out and another is well on it's way! I'll try and get some pics of that but he's pretty picky about when he shows them. We also got his Halloween costume in the mail and I must say, he's the cutest damn elephant I've ever seen! (No really, he is!). And for the last 2 days and until the end of this week I'm watching Ashley's baby, Ethan. While he and Connor are both fabulous babies, it definitely reaffirms why I wanted to wait so long in between kids. (I know having 2 kids 2 months apart is pretty impossible, but still....) I swear the minute I get one quiet the other wants to start up (whether it be crying, or just playing or whatever) it always seems to then turn into a competition to see who can be the loudest! But luckily they're schedules are almost completely synched and they take naps at the same time so there's not really a worry of one waking up the other. Other than the yelling matches between them, it's actually quite fun to watch them look at each other and try to play with each other. I have some pics of them that I'll post later, after I have Ashley's permission. So, it's off to bed so I won't be too incredibly tired tomorrow! Oh yeah, I swear it, you can ask Heather C., Connor waved Bye Bye earlier!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Toofers, bikes, shiners and Mama

So, tons of stuff is happening! Killian made it to word list five!!! Woohoo, only 6 more to go and we're DONE! Last Thursday we had parent teacher conference and his teacher said he's doing well. She said he's doing spectacular for a child who didn't go to pre-k, and that he's incredibly silly and she runs home to her husband with a story about him almost everyday. One day he raised his hand and told the entire class that he went to Chicago the previous weekend and got married.....hahaha. He's such a goober! Well, today he got his first black eye. I haven't taken a pic yet, camera battery is dead, but I will def. post some eventually. It didn't come from another kid or anything, it came from the But it's still a black eye! And he's learning to ride a bike without training wheels!! He feels like since he is six years old he should know how, so we've been working on it and it's going quite well! Connor has his first tooth!!! It's the bottom right and it's not completely up yet, but it's about 1/2 way!! This is very exciting to me! (kind of, it also means he's still growing!! haha). He also said MAMA!!! I have been waiting and waiting and he finally said it when I wasn't there.....go figure! But I've heard it a few times now and he's also started in with the "n" sound. He says what could pass for no, no and something along the lines of nay nay. Also, my sister-in-law has come into town to visit for a while! This is super fun because it will make the time between now and when Smelliott comes home for R&R go by quite a bit quicker! We happen to get along quite well, so that's awesome. And so far things have been pretty fun since she's been here and it's only been 2 days! Well, that's pretty much it for interesting things I'll post some pics of Killian's birthday party back on that blog, so if anyone wants to see them you can just scroll down.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gymbucks! and other stuff

I love it when it's Gymbuck redemption time! Elliott doesn't seem to appreciate it as much as me, but he'll get over it. So, Killian has had an array of colors in his folder this week. We started off semi-good and then went to really good, then waaaayyy down to really not good (for throwing math dots across the room) and back up to really good again. I don't understand how he can be at the top, then straight to the bottom, then straight back to the top again, it makes no sense! Oh well, at least he's doing well now. He got to talk to his Dad tonight, and Elliott told him he was very proud that he got a very good today, and the last time Elliott told him that he stayed on very good for like 2 1/2 weeks, so hopefully it will work again! And for longer! Lol. Anywho, Connor is losing his voice, I don't know if all the "jabbering" (I suppose you can call it that) he did at Plucker's has given him laringitis (sp?) or if he's getting sick or if it's the thrush maybe built up on his vocal chords? I have no clue, but he has no other side effects, he's not coughing or running a fever and there's no stuffy nose so who knows? Hopefully it will just disappear! Well, that's pretty much all that is going on lately. My sister-in-law will be here in 9 days!! That's pretty exciting. I am going to go now because I'm getting PRETTY repetitive.....haha.