Monday, October 13, 2008

Toofers, bikes, shiners and Mama

So, tons of stuff is happening! Killian made it to word list five!!! Woohoo, only 6 more to go and we're DONE! Last Thursday we had parent teacher conference and his teacher said he's doing well. She said he's doing spectacular for a child who didn't go to pre-k, and that he's incredibly silly and she runs home to her husband with a story about him almost everyday. One day he raised his hand and told the entire class that he went to Chicago the previous weekend and got married.....hahaha. He's such a goober! Well, today he got his first black eye. I haven't taken a pic yet, camera battery is dead, but I will def. post some eventually. It didn't come from another kid or anything, it came from the But it's still a black eye! And he's learning to ride a bike without training wheels!! He feels like since he is six years old he should know how, so we've been working on it and it's going quite well! Connor has his first tooth!!! It's the bottom right and it's not completely up yet, but it's about 1/2 way!! This is very exciting to me! (kind of, it also means he's still growing!! haha). He also said MAMA!!! I have been waiting and waiting and he finally said it when I wasn't there.....go figure! But I've heard it a few times now and he's also started in with the "n" sound. He says what could pass for no, no and something along the lines of nay nay. Also, my sister-in-law has come into town to visit for a while! This is super fun because it will make the time between now and when Smelliott comes home for R&R go by quite a bit quicker! We happen to get along quite well, so that's awesome. And so far things have been pretty fun since she's been here and it's only been 2 days! Well, that's pretty much it for interesting things I'll post some pics of Killian's birthday party back on that blog, so if anyone wants to see them you can just scroll down.


Robin said...

how cool, first black eye! I hope that you did get a picture of it. Boys! first tooth that is a picture taken thing too! :)