Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So, since I'm SUPER tired this will probably be a pretty short blog. I'm not sure when or what the last blog I posted is about so I'll just start from where I think I left off. Things have been crazy hectic but tons of fun lately. My sister in law came into town about a week and 1/2 ago, and having her here has been wonderful! We (Heather and I) threw Tina a baby shower last Saturday and I think it went quite well. It was great fun and we had a bunch of fantastic people come, although I think the best moments were watching the kids open the potty that had lemon jello w/ a baby ruth in the bowl and a couple of "dirty" diapers that had various random things in them (caramel sauce, chocolate syrup and relish to name a few of the items....) Killian is doing OK in school, he did excellent last week having gotten ALL greens and very good faces, but this week he's already gotten a sad face for crawling on the floor when he should have been reading. Hopefully things will turn around tomorrow! Connor is getting teeth! You can actually see and feel that one is pretty much fully out and another is well on it's way! I'll try and get some pics of that but he's pretty picky about when he shows them. We also got his Halloween costume in the mail and I must say, he's the cutest damn elephant I've ever seen! (No really, he is!). And for the last 2 days and until the end of this week I'm watching Ashley's baby, Ethan. While he and Connor are both fabulous babies, it definitely reaffirms why I wanted to wait so long in between kids. (I know having 2 kids 2 months apart is pretty impossible, but still....) I swear the minute I get one quiet the other wants to start up (whether it be crying, or just playing or whatever) it always seems to then turn into a competition to see who can be the loudest! But luckily they're schedules are almost completely synched and they take naps at the same time so there's not really a worry of one waking up the other. Other than the yelling matches between them, it's actually quite fun to watch them look at each other and try to play with each other. I have some pics of them that I'll post later, after I have Ashley's permission. So, it's off to bed so I won't be too incredibly tired tomorrow! Oh yeah, I swear it, you can ask Heather C., Connor waved Bye Bye earlier!!!


Robin said...

They are way too cute! I miss the days of babysitting Gabby, when Trevor was a baby. She was born in January and I started watching her in February when her mom went back to work, then I had Trevor in May. four days later I went back to keeping her. They would sit in their high chairs and bang their spoons on the tray waiting for lunch. Too cute! Sure miss when Trevor was little like that. Anywho, enjoy and have fun!