Monday, December 8, 2008

Just not good.

So, I found out last Tues. that my Grandmother (on my father's side) passed away Saturday the 29th. I drove to Oklahoma first thing Wednesday morning so I could make the funeral that was at 2 pm that day. It was a very nice service and I'm really glad that through the magic of the internet (Myspace no less) they were able to find me and tell me the news before it was too late for me to make it. It would have been awful not to have been able to go so I'm very grateful for that. I was also abnle to see tons of family that I haven't seen in a LONG time. In a better world we would have gotten together under more happy circumstances, but at least I still got to see them. We made it home around 6 pm. Sunday night and now we're just trying to get readjusted and back in the swing of things. That little out of nowhere trip really threw us for a loop! All of our schedules got messed up not to mention the house that I can't seem to clean because the only time the baby isn't crying is when I'm holding him! He's teething and (apparently) sick w/ something because he's thrown up twice since Saturday. I know it's wierd! He threw up once Saturday morning so we put him on juice for the rest of the day, he did fine Sunday, then he woke up this morning and only drank about 1/4 of his cup, then he went back to sleep for a little while, then he woke up again and still only drank about 1/4 of a cup. I managed to get him to drink about 1/2 of it and the he was just crying and fussy and finally he coughed a few times and just threw up all over me (sorry to be graphic, no other way to explain, lol) so I put him back on juice and he's been fine. He won't eat solids either though so I hope this goes away fast! And if it doesn't I suppose we'll be back at the dr's office. This is just craziness though! The poor fella has 2 front teeth coming and he is just not happy! Hopefully he'll be back to himself soon! Well, that's pretty much it for now. Hope everyone is doing great!