Saturday, January 31, 2009

Soccer, sickness and pictures!

So, I'm really excited today because we're taking the boys to get pictures! We're not doing many of Killian because he just had pics taken and hasn't changed very much since then, but we're doing Connor's 9 month pics, possibly Christmas pics and easter pics. Killian will be in the Easter and a couple of Valentine's pictures, we're going to have his "date" from the V-day ball that his school is having take pics w/ him! I think it will be pretty adorable! Also he had his very 1st soccer practice today! It was very exciting and the first thing he said when we pulled up (and everyone was already out there and some teams had started) was "THIS IS SO COOL!" It was quite adorable! And last, but not least, illness has TAKEN OVER the Shumer household. Killian missed 2 full days and one 1/2 day of school last week, and he threw up one day at the end of school, courtesy of fevers and coughing. Connor is completely congested and coughing as well, and I have caught the fevers and can't go 5 minutes without coughing my head off! It SUCKS! I hope it ends VERY soon because we are all kinda miserable. Well, that's pretty much it for now. I'll post soccer pics and the pics we take today later on this evening or tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing better than I am!

Friday, January 30, 2009


So, I've been meaning to post, but I really have nothing to blog about right now. So, I'll just leave you w/ some cute pictures of the boys! And (if I can get them to friggin' load) a video or two! Hope all is well with everyone!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So, today was the day. This is insane how much people are actually picking apart every detail of the inauguration! Ok, so yes I joked to Ashley about how Obama flubbed the lines and started too soon, but that's because I know how big of an Obama supporter she is and how much I am not, but seriously people, is there really a need to have a stinking scripted play by play of what happened so that we can try to point the finger at the Chief Justice for messing up the second line? Or is it still Obama to blame for coming in early?? Either way, the fact that it is such a HUGE deal is bogus. The fact that people are arguing on stupid blog posts and having comment wars on article postings is bogus. Today really isn't about exactly HOW things happened, more like WHAT happened. Like I said, I do not care for Obama, but the fact that there is now a President in office that isn't a white male is monumental! It truely does mark an incredible event for this country. It was only 1963 when the "I have a Dream" speech was given, that was the year my Mother was born, which is just insane. When you think about it, it seems like so long ago when in reality it really wasn't very long ago. My Mom isn't THAT old, ya know? All I can say is, with the grand picture it really is pretty stupid to be focused on things like what Michelle was wearing and who started the line flubbing!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mister Connor and Killian

Connor is growing crazily! I can't believe how big he is and how much he is doing. I swear it seems like a week ago that I was bringing him home from the hospital! He has been doing a lot more lately and it's just so amazing! He has 6 teeth now, (4 on top 2 on bottom) he has been scaling furniture for quite some time now and has become pretty quick at it, he babbles a lot and says "Mama", "Dada" and "NayNay" for "no no!" when he's mad! He shakes his head no when you tell him no, and he also shakes his head when you shake yours. He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he eats lots of solid foods and plays with his toys....Yes Ashley, he actually plays with some of them, haha. (I even took a video for you!) He's just crazy smart and getting more and more able to do things. He loves to play chase...he likes it when you crawl after him, then he'll stop and turn and sit, then he'll go the other way and wait for you to chase him! I swear I was just blessed with an awesome baby and I love every minute of it ( That's it, I just wanted to brag about my I'll take a minute to brag about the other one too. He's doing so awesome in school it's unreal! It's obvious he takes after his mother in the brains department! Haha. And he's getting along really well with all of his class mates, his teacher absolutely adores him and he's just all around awesome! He's had a bit of a behavioral issue at home, but I'm working to the best of my abilities to correct that, starting with relenquishing all game privelages! He is NOT happy about that, especially since the "new" hasn't worn off of the DS yet. But he really is the most amazing 6 year old I know! That's pretty much it, I was just feeling uber greatful for my beautiful kiddos and wanted to make it known! (Even if one pushed every button there is today, I still wouldn't trade either of them for anything in the world, even a little girl! LMAO)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just like that....*snaps*

It's over. R&R came and went far too quickly! I really enjoyed having my husband back, especially since he took 90% of the heavy lifting off of me and basically took care of the house and kids while he was home. I didn't even ask him to (well, maybe a few times..haha) he just did it. He knew I was tired and needed to rest and since he gets PLENTY of down time over there he figured he'd keep himself busy and let me have some. It was quite nice to be able to go run around and do my errands in about 1/4 of the time it normally takes, and not be chasing down and getting onto kids! (or kid, Connor really doesn't do much when we go But, it was also nice to not have to park right next to a buggy return so I don't have to lug around the crazy heavy carrier. All in all we had a really great time just being together again. We had a friend that kindly took both of our kids for a night so we could go out and have a nice time. It was fun, we went to dinner then to a movie (Yes Man was pretty funny btw) and just relaxed with ourselves. Elliott had lots of fun taking Killian to school and meeting his teacher and stuff and he also loved playing with Connor and feeding him new things. Well, that's pretty much it for now, I am so tired and Connor is asleep and Killian and Steve are almost out. They're having a sleepover! They watching wierd cartoons and talking but I'm pretty sure they'll be asleep in no time. I hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait, 2 more months and Connor will be 1!!!! I can't believe how big he is already...*tear Then not much longer and we'll have a Dad again! Oh my!

Side Note: In the last posting when I was talking about the crazy criminals....yeah, we found out they friggin' robbed someone and they were on the run! Nice! Apparently they did get caught, and they won't be out for quite some time though...Gosh I love this city!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thanks Robin!!

Movie'>">Movie Reviews

So, you only have to be in junior high to be able to understand my blog apparently.....but I suppose I'm alright with that because it's not saying that I am on a junior high level! :P So, I know I haven't posted in a while, that's because my husband came home the day after my last post! I'm so excited that he's here! We have done tons of stuff and he still has a whole week or so left. Mostly we've hung around the house and just played with the boys, but it's been pretty great. We've had a few small fights because some of the things he's doing are driving me INSANE! For real, who turns on the HEATER when it's 70 degrees outside?? And who points out of your window, to the cops, the direction that a couple of criminals are headed when you get caught in the middle of a semi high speed chase w/ your wife and 9 month old in the car!??!?!? And who stands there for 3 minutes holding up the self check out at walmart trying to irritate you by scanning a candy bar repeatedly while you're trying to ring up thier cheese sticks? My husband, THAT'S WHO! lol. Sometimes I wonder if he really did turn 28 this year or if I've just been lied to over the years and he's really only 9.....haha. So, about that high speed chase thing, stay the HELL AWAY from Rancier! And Mr. Flynn can kiss my ass, I will not be returning to Billy Bob's Burgers because it is off of Rancier and where we happened to be when we saw the shinannigan's! We were getting ready to pull out of the parking lot when we happened to see a car come barrelling around the corner with 3 cops on thier ass, and three more on thier way to be on thier ass! It was crazy and totally freaked me the hell out! So, I will not be returning to that side of town, tyvm! Well, we had a great Christmas and a great 2nd Christmas on the 27th when Elliott got here. The boys totally love thier presents....even Connor likes his toys! And while he didn't really get the opening of the gifts part, he did like ripping the paper up once it was off of the boxes! I promise I'll post pics, but I'm so tired tonight, I'm only blogging because I can't fall asleep and typing makes me sleepy! Wow, I bet this particular post seems like I'm in junior high!! Haha. Anywho, I guess I should be going now, Heather and I are going to see Bride Wars tomorrow! I'm gonna miss this co parenting business when he goes back!! He has been AMAZING with the kids! Well, I hope everyone is doing as well as they can be!