Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mister Connor and Killian

Connor is growing crazily! I can't believe how big he is and how much he is doing. I swear it seems like a week ago that I was bringing him home from the hospital! He has been doing a lot more lately and it's just so amazing! He has 6 teeth now, (4 on top 2 on bottom) he has been scaling furniture for quite some time now and has become pretty quick at it, he babbles a lot and says "Mama", "Dada" and "NayNay" for "no no!" when he's mad! He shakes his head no when you tell him no, and he also shakes his head when you shake yours. He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he eats lots of solid foods and plays with his toys....Yes Ashley, he actually plays with some of them, haha. (I even took a video for you!) He's just crazy smart and getting more and more able to do things. He loves to play chase...he likes it when you crawl after him, then he'll stop and turn and sit, then he'll go the other way and wait for you to chase him! I swear I was just blessed with an awesome baby and I love every minute of it ( That's it, I just wanted to brag about my I'll take a minute to brag about the other one too. He's doing so awesome in school it's unreal! It's obvious he takes after his mother in the brains department! Haha. And he's getting along really well with all of his class mates, his teacher absolutely adores him and he's just all around awesome! He's had a bit of a behavioral issue at home, but I'm working to the best of my abilities to correct that, starting with relenquishing all game privelages! He is NOT happy about that, especially since the "new" hasn't worn off of the DS yet. But he really is the most amazing 6 year old I know! That's pretty much it, I was just feeling uber greatful for my beautiful kiddos and wanted to make it known! (Even if one pushed every button there is today, I still wouldn't trade either of them for anything in the world, even a little girl! LMAO)