Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thanks Robin!!

Movie'>">Movie Reviews

So, you only have to be in junior high to be able to understand my blog apparently.....but I suppose I'm alright with that because it's not saying that I am on a junior high level! :P So, I know I haven't posted in a while, that's because my husband came home the day after my last post! I'm so excited that he's here! We have done tons of stuff and he still has a whole week or so left. Mostly we've hung around the house and just played with the boys, but it's been pretty great. We've had a few small fights because some of the things he's doing are driving me INSANE! For real, who turns on the HEATER when it's 70 degrees outside?? And who points out of your window, to the cops, the direction that a couple of criminals are headed when you get caught in the middle of a semi high speed chase w/ your wife and 9 month old in the car!??!?!? And who stands there for 3 minutes holding up the self check out at walmart trying to irritate you by scanning a candy bar repeatedly while you're trying to ring up thier cheese sticks? My husband, THAT'S WHO! lol. Sometimes I wonder if he really did turn 28 this year or if I've just been lied to over the years and he's really only 9.....haha. So, about that high speed chase thing, stay the HELL AWAY from Rancier! And Mr. Flynn can kiss my ass, I will not be returning to Billy Bob's Burgers because it is off of Rancier and where we happened to be when we saw the shinannigan's! We were getting ready to pull out of the parking lot when we happened to see a car come barrelling around the corner with 3 cops on thier ass, and three more on thier way to be on thier ass! It was crazy and totally freaked me the hell out! So, I will not be returning to that side of town, tyvm! Well, we had a great Christmas and a great 2nd Christmas on the 27th when Elliott got here. The boys totally love thier presents....even Connor likes his toys! And while he didn't really get the opening of the gifts part, he did like ripping the paper up once it was off of the boxes! I promise I'll post pics, but I'm so tired tonight, I'm only blogging because I can't fall asleep and typing makes me sleepy! Wow, I bet this particular post seems like I'm in junior high!! Haha. Anywho, I guess I should be going now, Heather and I are going to see Bride Wars tomorrow! I'm gonna miss this co parenting business when he goes back!! He has been AMAZING with the kids! Well, I hope everyone is doing as well as they can be!


Just another Army wife.... said...

Screw that level of reading thing on the blogs man....It was on Em blog first and she is college level which I believe and then someone elses who CAN NOT EVEN SPELL was genius level and then Robin and I get Elementry...GAY but I was putting in blogs that have already been done and it almost changes every single time so WHATEVER lol

Robin said...

ok, why thanks Robin??? I get elementary every single time, I am cool with that, just keep in touch with my inner child! Haha! :)

love_my_eod_guy said...

Thanks Robin for the I wouldn't have done it had I not seen it on your page. It was meant as a literal, not sarcastic "thanks".