Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So, today was the day. This is insane how much people are actually picking apart every detail of the inauguration! Ok, so yes I joked to Ashley about how Obama flubbed the lines and started too soon, but that's because I know how big of an Obama supporter she is and how much I am not, but seriously people, is there really a need to have a stinking scripted play by play of what happened so that we can try to point the finger at the Chief Justice for messing up the second line? Or is it still Obama to blame for coming in early?? Either way, the fact that it is such a HUGE deal is bogus. The fact that people are arguing on stupid blog posts and having comment wars on article postings is bogus. Today really isn't about exactly HOW things happened, more like WHAT happened. Like I said, I do not care for Obama, but the fact that there is now a President in office that isn't a white male is monumental! It truely does mark an incredible event for this country. It was only 1963 when the "I have a Dream" speech was given, that was the year my Mother was born, which is just insane. When you think about it, it seems like so long ago when in reality it really wasn't very long ago. My Mom isn't THAT old, ya know? All I can say is, with the grand picture it really is pretty stupid to be focused on things like what Michelle was wearing and who started the line flubbing!