Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just like that....*snaps*

It's over. R&R came and went far too quickly! I really enjoyed having my husband back, especially since he took 90% of the heavy lifting off of me and basically took care of the house and kids while he was home. I didn't even ask him to (well, maybe a few times..haha) he just did it. He knew I was tired and needed to rest and since he gets PLENTY of down time over there he figured he'd keep himself busy and let me have some. It was quite nice to be able to go run around and do my errands in about 1/4 of the time it normally takes, and not be chasing down and getting onto kids! (or kid, Connor really doesn't do much when we go But, it was also nice to not have to park right next to a buggy return so I don't have to lug around the crazy heavy carrier. All in all we had a really great time just being together again. We had a friend that kindly took both of our kids for a night so we could go out and have a nice time. It was fun, we went to dinner then to a movie (Yes Man was pretty funny btw) and just relaxed with ourselves. Elliott had lots of fun taking Killian to school and meeting his teacher and stuff and he also loved playing with Connor and feeding him new things. Well, that's pretty much it for now, I am so tired and Connor is asleep and Killian and Steve are almost out. They're having a sleepover! They watching wierd cartoons and talking but I'm pretty sure they'll be asleep in no time. I hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait, 2 more months and Connor will be 1!!!! I can't believe how big he is already...*tear Then not much longer and we'll have a Dad again! Oh my!

Side Note: In the last posting when I was talking about the crazy criminals....yeah, we found out they friggin' robbed someone and they were on the run! Nice! Apparently they did get caught, and they won't be out for quite some time though...Gosh I love this city!!


Just another Army wife.... said...

How dare you....Plaid jammies!!!!!!!!! haha....Didnt the time just FLY by?

Robin said...

Sleep overs are way too fun! I loved the plaid jammies Heather!
;) Sorry that your time is done. but look at it this way....two weeks closer to him being home. :)