Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just a few free minutes

Killian has his first baseball game @ 10 am today! The only crappy part is this weather! Goodness, it seems like every time he had a game for soccer it was freezing and windy, and now the same is happening for baseball. It SUCKS! Poor Connor always tries to kick off his blanket, and he ends up just sitting there being super cold from the wind blowing so hard...ugh! Oh well, enough ranting about this crappy TX weather! Here's some pics from the birthday party, and a couple from Connor wrecking shop in the kitchen! He LOVES to destroy it, the minute he's figured out it's clean he immediately starts wreaking havoc on the cabinets! It's like a race to see how much he can get out before I catch him! I think there's also some of him playing with the ball (catch.....fetch? is his new favorite game!) and he's wearing his big boy jammies :( Oh yeah, and his cake says "Happy Birthday Connorsaurus" which is why his name looks so long....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So..the school sends home Killian's class pic (paid for) and some spring pics (not paid for). The spring pictures magically turn out to be the cutest ones he has taken all year! Thing is, they're either 12 bucks a sheet, if you order less than all 4, or 10 bucks a sheet if you order all of them. I've spent a RIDICULOUS (I'm not overexaggerating when I say that!) amount of money on pictures this year, with Connor being a baby and needing them every 3 months and all. I've already purchased a rather large package of Killian's school pics which just so happen to, let's just say not so good. And, those were the flipping retakes.....because the originals looked horrendous as well. I think what they do is take crappy, one shot photos for the ones you had to pay for before you saw them, then the ones they send home to entice you into spending more money, (i.e. the spring ones) they take several shots until they get a cute one to ensure that you will maybe purchase something. I have no idea, call me crazy, but that's what it seems like to me! Needless to say, I will be dumping another $24 into pictures to keep 2 sheets of these and I'm DONE until Christmas. And even then I'll probably only get the $10 package! I think I'm done venting now! Except for the fact that I'm a liar and I know I'll be buying the baseball pictures when they take those too. And football and basketball....all of which come before Christmas. Geeze kids are expensive! Ok, now I really am done!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Guess what!?

Connor is WALKING!! Yes sir, he took his first "true" steps today. He's doing quite well with it, but you have to start him out standing, and once he falls he just crawls, he won't stand himself back up. But he can stand up on his own, he just won' If you stand him back up he will do it again until he falls. Sometimes it's 2 steps, sometimes 20. I'm so excited but sad at the same time. This growing too fast business is NOT good! He's also wearing his first pair of "big boy" jammies tonight :(. That's right, real jammies, not footies....he still has footies but it's just the point that he's big enough to fit in the shorts/pants and shirt sets. His birthday party went pretty well although Chick fil A seemed to have no idea what to do...haha. And Walmart screwed up my cake order, AGAIN! They seriously made it for last weekend (I swear I called and moved it to the 21st!) Luckily enough the chick said she could make one in about 45 mins. and Heather's husband was planning on leaving thier house around that time, so he was able to grab it. FLIPPING WALMART! I think I'll go to HEB the next time I need a cake! And, Connor did the same thing as Killian, once the cake was in front of him and ready for the taking, he wanted nothing to do with it! No messes, nothing. Finally my neighbor smashed it in his face. He continued to sit there and pick off the sprinkles on the top, but he refused to eat the cake. We had fun. (Or at least I did). I'll post pics later, but it's time to get the boy ready for bed! He's SUPER tired because they had thier first coach pitch baseball practice tonight. The guys said he did really well, and while he had to have quite a few directions (duh, he's never played before) he took them well and listened to everything they said! He seems to like it. Now I just have to go to Walmart and grab some pants before they run out of X-Small grey! I'm also glad that they didn't double up thier games for this sport, so it's one game a Saturday and it goes well into mid May I do believe, which is awesome cause then Elliott will be here to see him play some! That's EXCITING! Although I'm sure he would've rather seen him play soccer, I bet this will be just as fun for him (them).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He's 1!!! :(

Lol. Yes, Connor is officially one year old!? How in the world did that happen? It was exactly one year ago today that we were released from the hospital (it felt like we were in there MUCH longer though!) And today we went to Sears to get his 1 year photos done. I wasn't too impressed with the portrait innovations place. So, back to Sears I went, and I got pretty much everything I wanted except that I wanted one pic of him standing in the turtle outfit (we just did the chair in our last photos, but they're were cute here to I suppose) and I wanted the bathtub pic to be black and white with the accessories in color, but to do that is an extra $30 which I just didn't think was worth it. So, oh well. All in all I'm pretty pleased with the outcomes!