Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So..the school sends home Killian's class pic (paid for) and some spring pics (not paid for). The spring pictures magically turn out to be the cutest ones he has taken all year! Thing is, they're either 12 bucks a sheet, if you order less than all 4, or 10 bucks a sheet if you order all of them. I've spent a RIDICULOUS (I'm not overexaggerating when I say that!) amount of money on pictures this year, with Connor being a baby and needing them every 3 months and all. I've already purchased a rather large package of Killian's school pics which just so happen to, let's just say not so good. And, those were the flipping retakes.....because the originals looked horrendous as well. I think what they do is take crappy, one shot photos for the ones you had to pay for before you saw them, then the ones they send home to entice you into spending more money, (i.e. the spring ones) they take several shots until they get a cute one to ensure that you will maybe purchase something. I have no idea, call me crazy, but that's what it seems like to me! Needless to say, I will be dumping another $24 into pictures to keep 2 sheets of these and I'm DONE until Christmas. And even then I'll probably only get the $10 package! I think I'm done venting now! Except for the fact that I'm a liar and I know I'll be buying the baseball pictures when they take those too. And football and basketball....all of which come before Christmas. Geeze kids are expensive! Ok, now I really am done!