Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gloomy Rainy Day

So I'll post a happy blog! My Connor is getting huge! I can't believe how much he has grown and how quickly it has gone by! He's developed all kinds of things, like favorites. He loves to eat, and he will eat almost anything you give to him (except for baby food, lol) but his absolute favorite thing would have to be chicken. He LOVES it. He likes it grilled, fried, in pasta, plain, with vegetables, with fruits *sounds gross I know, but apples and chicken is the one baby food he will eat!* He just loves chicken. He even likes buffalo wings, slight spice and all. I think it's hilarious because Killian's least favorite thing is chicken. Anywho, back to favorites, his favorite thing to do is climb. While he still won't walk, he climbs onto everything! I swear I almost broke his leg earlier trying to grab him to keep him from flying off the couch backwards. The one HUGE negative to climbing; he can't get back down! But his absolute favorite thing to climb is into laundry baskets, or any type of basket for that matter. His favorite toy is his zoo thing, his favorite place to sleep is his bed, his favorite person is a bit of a toss up between Killian and Heather. His favorite non-toy item to play with is his tooth brush (good Lord he gets pissed when you take it away!) It's just amazing how quickly his personality and all of his likes and dislikes are developing. Just a few short months ago he didn't have a care in the world as long as he was clean, full and not tired, whereas now he seems to care about everything that everyone is doing, himself included! And, he's in to EVERYTHING, which can be greatly entertaining or extremely worrysome (think digging through trash and eating Desitin!) The one thing he doesn't like and could absolutely care less about is TV. Again a T-Total opposite of his brother! You can't even bribe him to watch a Baby Einstien with cookies and milk! (I know, I've tried, lol). He has no interest whatsoever in what is happing on the TV, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing, but just odd in my opinion. Don't most kids find it kinda fascinating? Oh well. There's tons of other things that he's doing and not doing that I just find incredible, and I could go on and on, but he's done with his pasta pick ups and he's hollering and blowing raspberries at me to signal that he is ready to get out of the high chair! :)


Just another Army wife.... said...

Oh how i love that little boy! I can remember waken up in the middle of the night trying to make it there to get killian before connor came but connor was to impatient lol! (I think he still is a little..maybe sorta!) I love how he thinks everything it okay to put into his mouth even DUDES foot!

love_my_eod_guy said...

Lol. For real! He is mad impatient, but it's something he was born with so I'll just have to deal.....haha! KIDDING! I'm glad one of us loves his "taste everything at least once" goal!