Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just a few free minutes

Killian has his first baseball game @ 10 am today! The only crappy part is this weather! Goodness, it seems like every time he had a game for soccer it was freezing and windy, and now the same is happening for baseball. It SUCKS! Poor Connor always tries to kick off his blanket, and he ends up just sitting there being super cold from the wind blowing so hard...ugh! Oh well, enough ranting about this crappy TX weather! Here's some pics from the birthday party, and a couple from Connor wrecking shop in the kitchen! He LOVES to destroy it, the minute he's figured out it's clean he immediately starts wreaking havoc on the cabinets! It's like a race to see how much he can get out before I catch him! I think there's also some of him playing with the ball (catch.....fetch? is his new favorite game!) and he's wearing his big boy jammies :( Oh yeah, and his cake says "Happy Birthday Connorsaurus" which is why his name looks so long....


Stinson Family said...

It is soo amazing how fast they grow. I can't believe how big he has gotten. Very cute pics!