Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Killian the FIBBER!

So, I found out his morning that my kid is already starting the tall tales about school. I dropped him off at his class (because I had to straighten out his lunch money situation, they gave him 2 different ID numbers) and I reminded him that he wanted to stay on green today. Well, his teacher looked at me like I was nuts! She said they didn't have anybody move to yellow yesterday. So I told her his story about how he was waiting in line and started to play with two cars and she said they don't even have cars. We both thought it was a little funny, but she said that I can rest assured that everyone did well yesterday and she won't even start them moving thier clothespins until next week. And when/if Killian does have to move his she'll be sure to mark it in his folder. I told her I was sorry and she said it's no problem at all. She said they drew pictures of what they did over summer vacation and he drew a spaceship...lol. So, maybe in Chicago he was in space? I did try to warn her before hand that he comes up with some crazy stuff! And about his "life" in Chicago. Oh well, hopefully it's a stage he'll grow out of. If not, maybe he'll be a really great author one day!?!?

Monday, August 25, 2008

My kids are wonderful!

So, Killian had his very first day of school ever and this is pretty much exactly how it went! He was very precise in the rundown...lol. He said they ate lunch (he had a corn dog, vanilla pudding and milk)and then they went to recess, then the whistle blew, then it was time to go in, but you have to be very quiet in the hallway, and then they went back to class....and so on. He said he had to use the bathroom after recess so I asked him if he raised his hand and asked the teacher and he said "NO, in school you cross your fingers to let the teacher know..." It was so funny. They also do a red, yellow and green light behavior system. You start with your clothespin on green and if you're good all day you stay there, if not you start moving down. The first time you move to yellow you get a warning, the second you go to the "think tank" and the third you go to the buddy room and get a call home. The fourth time you misbehave they put you on red and send you to the principal's office. Killian had to move to yellow. It wasn't really a bad thing he did, just a lesson he needed to learn I guess. While he was waiting in line to go to the bathroom, he started to play with 2 cars that were on a shelf next to the bathroom door, and he had to move his to yellow for playing with toys when it wasn't "toy time". He's bound and determined it will be green all day tomorrow! It's absolutely adorable and he seemed to really love it! Well, Connor's getting so big! He's really almost completely crawling, and he's started to shake his head back and forth (like no) when you do it. So he's already immitating! He also loves to gargle, blow raspberries and stick his hand over his mouth and move it back and forth to make the "bibblebabble" sound. He's so funny and he smiles at EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Seriously, all you have to do is look at him and he gets this HUGE grin on his face! Heather swears he's the happiest baby ever. I'm just thankful he's not hard to handle! Well, it's bedtime.....tomorrow's a school day, lol. I'm so tired, I very rarely wake up at 6:30 and stay up for the rest of the day! I'm usually in bed until about 9ish! Guess I'll have to start getting used to it!


Wow! Today is Killian's very first day of Kindergarten!! He is so excited and was very happy to go back to the classroom. He seemed to really like his teacher when we met her Thursday night, and he loved the classroom. He said "this place has everything! I wanna check it out!" So hopefully he will still have that same enthusiasm today and possibly all the way through college! I can't believe this day is actually here, it doesn't seem possible that he's already ready for "big school". I didn't cry though, I managed to keep it together! Now we'll just have to see if I'm as tough when Connor starts....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Going down

GAS PRICES ARE FINALLY DROPPING! I paid $3.57 today! How exciting is that? We've had a pretty fun and interesting week. My neighbor got cable like 5 days ago, and the chick who connected his had to disconnect mine. Well, she told him she would turn it right back on and she did NOT! So I called over the weekend, they said they'd have someone out Monday, I almost immediately got a call back and they said they won't be able to come until tomorrow. So I've been kinda out of the loop with no cable or internet. I didn't even get to watch the individual all arounds in gymnastics :(. Connor had his 4 month Dr. appt. and he's doing great! He's doing everything a baby his age should be, plus a little more! The Dr. was pretty impressed by how alert and active he is. He also got his 2nd round of shots. Poor little fellow, he did not like that at all!! This weekend we went to Temple Mall to meet Spongebob. What a nightmare! We stood in line w/ two kids that were becomming increasingly cranky as the time went by for 3 HOURS. Then, when we finally made it to the front of the line, I told Killian "we're next!" and his response was "I DON'T WANT TO MEET SPONGEBOB!" Oh my word, I almost fainted! I told him he was going to meet him, smile for a picture and at least pretend to be happy about it whether he liked it or not. It was quite funny. Then all day yesterday it rained, so we pretty much stayed in. Tomorrow is Little Steve's Birthday party @ Wazoo's and Killian's really looking forward to that! (So is Steve...lol). Well, that's pretty much it for now. I haven't heard from Elliott since Thursday, so I have no idea what's going on there. And I should be helping Heather make cupcakes for tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum,Duuuummmmm.....

So today was pretty great. We went to BLORA and took the big boys on the waterslide. They had a blast with it, even though they only wanted to go down twice. They really wanted to go swimming and it was extrememly LAME because the beach was closed. Apparently they didn't have a lifeguard for the beach today. Um, sorry, but I think I'm capable of taking care of my child while he's swimming in a lake...but whatever. Nothing I can really do about that one. They had some skeaze out there chasing people on the beach away. lol. Anywho, I can't wait until the festival of lights!! Killian loves to go ride through them, and this will be Connor's very first one. I think he'll like it, he likes things that are illuminated. Other than the fact that it's been almost an entire week since I've heard from my husband, things are going great. I have to wake up pretty early tomorrow. Killian has an appt. at the school for his kindergarden screening! And Connor has a Dr. appt. in Harker Heights at 9 on Friday. Then Saturday we're going to the Temple mall since Spongebob will be making an apprearance! How exciting!! This will be our second meeting with Spongebob. Killian always get so excited waiting in line, then when he gets to the character (Spongebob, Curious George, Santa etc.) he gets all shy and hardly does/says anything. Oh well, at least he has fun in line?? haha. Well, that's pretty much it for now

My Baby!!

Is growing way too fast! Somebody make it stop...lol. So (although I'm pretty sure he has no idea what it means) he is already saying "dada". I think I may have posted about this before, but whatever. I still think it's totally adorable, and it counts as a word dammit! He is also getting his first tooth!! How crazy is that? He's growing like a weed. I can't believe how fast the time is flying. I really can't imagine how Killian is already starting kindergarden? It seems like such a short time ago that he was just learning to crawl....*tear. It's amazing how you take time for granted. I've already been married for 6 WHOLE years!! That's nuts. By the time Elliott comes home, we will have celebrated our 7th year of marriage. That's only 3 yrs. left until I secure half his retirement....haha j/k. Well, I'm really tired and we're planning on going to BLORA tomorrow so I need to get some sleep, but I am so excited (and sad) about Connor and how big he's getting. I guess I just have to go with it because I certainly can't reverse it. Oh yeah, one more thing he's doing that I forgot to put in last night....he's holding his own bottle! And almost crawling! (He's been doing the "revving engine" thing for about a month now) but as soon as he figures out how to put one arm in front of the other, instead of both at the same time, he'll be completely mobile. It's all so exciting but I want him to stay small!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What to do?

Oh my goodness! My child has become a destructo! He completely effed up his mattress. No, seriously, I'm going to have to get him a new one. He ripped the main binding that binds the top to the side almost completely off. What a terror!! Other than that, things are going pretty great. Heather's doing a lot better since her surgery and all my other friends seem to be doing great. Elliott is still stuck in a crappy place that is owned by British people, and they don't let them do ANYTHING at all that relates to thier job. His team is pretty bummed that they're just sitting doing nothing all the time. It blows for them, and I hope they remedy that ASAP. Well, Connor is getting pretty fussy so I guess I need to get going.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thanks Bernadette!! (I hope the "chelsea" was me...lol)

Here's an ABC tag I was hit with...
A: Attached or Single? Attached
B: Best Friend? Elliott and Emily
C: Cake or Pie? Cake or Cream Pies, no fruit pies..
D: Day of the week? Friday!
E: Essential Item? My phone, kids and toiletries!
F: Favorite Color? Pink!
G: Gummy Bears or Worms? Um, bears, covered w/ chocolate
H: Hometown? Muskogee, OK originally and Charleston, SC (I spent equal amounts of time in each place..)
I: Indulgence? Coldstone!
J: January or July? January
K: Kids? Killian Quinn and Connor Mason.
L: Life isn't complete without? Elliott
M: Marriage Date? May 25, 2002
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters? 1 sis
O: Oranges or Apples? Apples
P: Phobias or Fears? Spiders, Snakes, Criminals, driving in the rain.
Q: Quote? "The only thing I'll ever ask of you ; you gotta promise not to stop when I say when" The Foo Fighters
R: Reasons to smile? My family, friends, and alcohal!
S: Superman or Wonderwoman? Wonderwoman...
T: Tag five people: Umm...Copying Bernadette....Robin, Heather, Renae, Sarah? And I don't know anyone else w/ a blog....
U: Unknown fact about me? I have no clue.
V: Vegetables? All of them!
W: Worst Habit? Swearing and smoking
X: X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds are (usually) more fun
Y: Your favorite food? Pasta, Seafood and Chinese
Z: Zodiac sign? Scorpio

Oh my!

So today is a true testament as to whether or not I could handle 3 kids!! I think I'm doing ok considering mine has been an ornery brat! My amiga went to the ER yesterday and happened to need surgery (nothing serious, everything's fine) so I'm watching her offspring for the time being. It's pretty good except neither one want to listen when I tell them something, lol. So anywho, it's been pretty fun today, it's also Heather's 19th birthday!! So we went to Friday's, and totally embarrassed her with the clapping song...haha, she was a little pissed but she had fun. Well, apparently I'm really boring because I'm out of things to say!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

For the very 1st time.

I decided maybe it's time to join the blog community. Almost everyone I know has one, so why not? What better time to start a journal than when you're having an aweful day?? Killian is driving me absolutely insane!! He seriously will not listen to a word I say today, and it's making me crazy. Connor, on the other hand, is being wonderful as usual. Killian's attitude has not been the same for the last several months, but it straightened out quite a bit while we were in Oklahoma and South Carolina, then we get back here and WHAM........he slaps me with this horrendous behavior. Oh well, hopefully when school starts he'll have more of his time occupied so maybe he won't be so restless. I talked to Elliott today. That was nice, aside from the phone disconnecting before we said goodbye. Oh well, at least I got to talk to him. Word of advice, I've figured out that if you're on the phone, thier phones will not beep through, it just sends it straight to voicemail, that blows! He tried to call back 3 x and I didn't get a single one of them. Ugh, I guess that's really all the ranting I have for today, time to go get on Killian's behind about cleaning his room!