Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Going down

GAS PRICES ARE FINALLY DROPPING! I paid $3.57 today! How exciting is that? We've had a pretty fun and interesting week. My neighbor got cable like 5 days ago, and the chick who connected his had to disconnect mine. Well, she told him she would turn it right back on and she did NOT! So I called over the weekend, they said they'd have someone out Monday, I almost immediately got a call back and they said they won't be able to come until tomorrow. So I've been kinda out of the loop with no cable or internet. I didn't even get to watch the individual all arounds in gymnastics :(. Connor had his 4 month Dr. appt. and he's doing great! He's doing everything a baby his age should be, plus a little more! The Dr. was pretty impressed by how alert and active he is. He also got his 2nd round of shots. Poor little fellow, he did not like that at all!! This weekend we went to Temple Mall to meet Spongebob. What a nightmare! We stood in line w/ two kids that were becomming increasingly cranky as the time went by for 3 HOURS. Then, when we finally made it to the front of the line, I told Killian "we're next!" and his response was "I DON'T WANT TO MEET SPONGEBOB!" Oh my word, I almost fainted! I told him he was going to meet him, smile for a picture and at least pretend to be happy about it whether he liked it or not. It was quite funny. Then all day yesterday it rained, so we pretty much stayed in. Tomorrow is Little Steve's Birthday party @ Wazoo's and Killian's really looking forward to that! (So is Steve...lol). Well, that's pretty much it for now. I haven't heard from Elliott since Thursday, so I have no idea what's going on there. And I should be helping Heather make cupcakes for tomorrow.