Monday, August 25, 2008

My kids are wonderful!

So, Killian had his very first day of school ever and this is pretty much exactly how it went! He was very precise in the He said they ate lunch (he had a corn dog, vanilla pudding and milk)and then they went to recess, then the whistle blew, then it was time to go in, but you have to be very quiet in the hallway, and then they went back to class....and so on. He said he had to use the bathroom after recess so I asked him if he raised his hand and asked the teacher and he said "NO, in school you cross your fingers to let the teacher know..." It was so funny. They also do a red, yellow and green light behavior system. You start with your clothespin on green and if you're good all day you stay there, if not you start moving down. The first time you move to yellow you get a warning, the second you go to the "think tank" and the third you go to the buddy room and get a call home. The fourth time you misbehave they put you on red and send you to the principal's office. Killian had to move to yellow. It wasn't really a bad thing he did, just a lesson he needed to learn I guess. While he was waiting in line to go to the bathroom, he started to play with 2 cars that were on a shelf next to the bathroom door, and he had to move his to yellow for playing with toys when it wasn't "toy time". He's bound and determined it will be green all day tomorrow! It's absolutely adorable and he seemed to really love it! Well, Connor's getting so big! He's really almost completely crawling, and he's started to shake his head back and forth (like no) when you do it. So he's already immitating! He also loves to gargle, blow raspberries and stick his hand over his mouth and move it back and forth to make the "bibblebabble" sound. He's so funny and he smiles at EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Seriously, all you have to do is look at him and he gets this HUGE grin on his face! Heather swears he's the happiest baby ever. I'm just thankful he's not hard to handle! Well, it's bedtime.....tomorrow's a school day, lol. I'm so tired, I very rarely wake up at 6:30 and stay up for the rest of the day! I'm usually in bed until about 9ish! Guess I'll have to start getting used to it!


Stinson Family said...

Your poor baby in the swing is priceless. Abby loves to swing or do anything outdoors. Very cute pictures on your blog of your children!