Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thanks Bernadette!! (I hope the "chelsea" was

Here's an ABC tag I was hit with...
A: Attached or Single? Attached
B: Best Friend? Elliott and Emily
C: Cake or Pie? Cake or Cream Pies, no fruit pies..
D: Day of the week? Friday!
E: Essential Item? My phone, kids and toiletries!
F: Favorite Color? Pink!
G: Gummy Bears or Worms? Um, bears, covered w/ chocolate
H: Hometown? Muskogee, OK originally and Charleston, SC (I spent equal amounts of time in each place..)
I: Indulgence? Coldstone!
J: January or July? January
K: Kids? Killian Quinn and Connor Mason.
L: Life isn't complete without? Elliott
M: Marriage Date? May 25, 2002
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters? 1 sis
O: Oranges or Apples? Apples
P: Phobias or Fears? Spiders, Snakes, Criminals, driving in the rain.
Q: Quote? "The only thing I'll ever ask of you ; you gotta promise not to stop when I say when" The Foo Fighters
R: Reasons to smile? My family, friends, and alcohal!
S: Superman or Wonderwoman? Wonderwoman...
T: Tag five people: Umm...Copying Bernadette....Robin, Heather, Renae, Sarah? And I don't know anyone else w/ a blog....
U: Unknown fact about me? I have no clue.
V: Vegetables? All of them!
W: Worst Habit? Swearing and smoking
X: X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds are (usually) more fun
Y: Your favorite food? Pasta, Seafood and Chinese
Z: Zodiac sign? Scorpio