Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Killian the FIBBER!

So, I found out his morning that my kid is already starting the tall tales about school. I dropped him off at his class (because I had to straighten out his lunch money situation, they gave him 2 different ID numbers) and I reminded him that he wanted to stay on green today. Well, his teacher looked at me like I was nuts! She said they didn't have anybody move to yellow yesterday. So I told her his story about how he was waiting in line and started to play with two cars and she said they don't even have cars. We both thought it was a little funny, but she said that I can rest assured that everyone did well yesterday and she won't even start them moving thier clothespins until next week. And when/if Killian does have to move his she'll be sure to mark it in his folder. I told her I was sorry and she said it's no problem at all. She said they drew pictures of what they did over summer vacation and he drew a spaceship...lol. So, maybe in Chicago he was in space? I did try to warn her before hand that he comes up with some crazy stuff! And about his "life" in Chicago. Oh well, hopefully it's a stage he'll grow out of. If not, maybe he'll be a really great author one day!?!?


Robin said...

how awesome that you have a blog now!!! I am so excited!!! Ok, why isn't there a blog about Killians birthday?? hello!! Come on mom! J/K! But for real, some more pictures of my little friends birthday. :)