Friday, August 1, 2008

For the very 1st time.

I decided maybe it's time to join the blog community. Almost everyone I know has one, so why not? What better time to start a journal than when you're having an aweful day?? Killian is driving me absolutely insane!! He seriously will not listen to a word I say today, and it's making me crazy. Connor, on the other hand, is being wonderful as usual. Killian's attitude has not been the same for the last several months, but it straightened out quite a bit while we were in Oklahoma and South Carolina, then we get back here and WHAM........he slaps me with this horrendous behavior. Oh well, hopefully when school starts he'll have more of his time occupied so maybe he won't be so restless. I talked to Elliott today. That was nice, aside from the phone disconnecting before we said goodbye. Oh well, at least I got to talk to him. Word of advice, I've figured out that if you're on the phone, thier phones will not beep through, it just sends it straight to voicemail, that blows! He tried to call back 3 x and I didn't get a single one of them. Ugh, I guess that's really all the ranting I have for today, time to go get on Killian's behind about cleaning his room!