Thursday, June 4, 2009

For that special someone....our teacher!

So, tomorrow is Killian's last day of school. I have very mixed emotions about this! Anywho, I was at a total loss as of what to get her because she truly has been an awesome person in his life for the past 10 months! We decided that Killian will give her an apple (he's been begging me for MONTHS to be able to do that!) and a framed pic of himself with her at the graduation ceremony (thanks Heather!! lol) and tomorrow I will make a mad dash to Hallmark to check out thier selection of fun stuff and if I'm unable to set on anything we'll get her a Barnes and Noble gift card. We'll see what happens! Anyways, Heather wanted a pic of the candy poster and since my camera is in Connor's room I'm not taking the risk and waking him up, I'll post it tomorrow. But this is what is says (and all the words in " " are candy bars that are glued to the board):

Mrs. Blakey,
Thanks for going to "Xtremes" to make sure I'm not an "Airhead(s)"!! You really are a "Life Saver(s)"! You've been a great teacher and even though there were a lot of "Snickers", you never lost your cool and became a "Hot Tamale(s)" Next year I hope you "Skor" a huge "Payday"! I love you "Mounds"!

Eh, it's the best I could come up with! I hope she likes it, and if not at least Killian had fun picking out the candy! I guess I better go, I have lots and lots to do tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It's official! Killian has successfully completed Kindergarten, as of about 10 hours ago. There ceremony was adorable! They sang 3 songs, said the Pledge of Allegiance, immediately followed by the Texas Flag Pledge. They all looked so handsome and cute! It was very fun and exciting! A few minor mishaps did take place though. Elliott decided it would be a good idea to let Connor play with my camera, and in an instant he completely broke it! It still takes pictures but the LED screen is 100% busted. There is a big white part and a cracked looking thing down the middle and that's it. Then the BRAND NEW batteries I put in Elliott's camera died after I recorded one song! I couldn't believe it! It made me so mad!! And last, but not least, Mrs. Blakey started bawling while she was calling the kids names. She had to stop for a minute to compose herself. It was so SAD! That, mixed with Kennedy's Grandmother bawling right beside me, totally made me start tearing up. I didn't think I would cry but this was way harder to take than the first day of school! Bonuse excitement, I got Connor's new stroller and the gymboree stuff in the mail today! I also got the baby blanket I ordered for my cousin's gift! It's really adorable. I WANT A GIRL! Seriously! Well, that's pretty much it. I did manage to get a couple of good pics of Killian.

Monday, June 1, 2009

New news....maybe?

So, a lot of things are happening around the Shumer household. Elliott got a motorcycle, which makes him happy...Him being the opperative word. I'm not too thrilled about it, but what can ya do? Killian is almost done with Kindergarten! He has his "Completion Ceremony" (they refuse to call it a graduation, lmao) the day after tomorrow and Friday is his final day. I must say this makes me terribly sad. I can't believe how fast it went by! I also can't believe how much he has learned and grown. Both mentally and physically! He isn't too much bigger than when he started, but he's definitely moving up in clothing sizes a little, and he also just looks like a kid, not a toddler but a real life big kid. :( Where did my baby go??? He has his second loose tooth that I imagine will be gone within a week or two. He's registered in tackle football! I know I get the "what the hell is wrong with you?" look (and occasionally the statement as well!) everytime I say that, but I am so EXCITED about that! And so is he. He absolutely will not stop talking about it. I'm not quite sure if he knows what he's in for, but he has seen a couple of practices (my cousin's 8 year old was in it) so he has to have a bit of an idea. Also, next week will be our start of our summer traveling. We did already go to San Antonio, but I wouldn't exactly call that traveling...We're headed to Oklahoma around the 10th and sometime that same week we will be going to Branson, MS, then back to Oklahoma for a little while. We'll probably be there about 2 weeks or so, my cousin is having a baby shower around the 27th, so we'll be there at least that long. I can't wait to go! I love seeing family, it's just the most awesome feeling in the world. Anywho, that's about it for now. I'll probably do one more post w/ pics from the kiddo's thing Wed. morning and then I probably will be on hiatus until we get home. I hope everyone is doing great!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


So, things have been pretty awesome around here lately. This weekend we had a GREAT time at the Rabbit Fest on Friday and Ethan's 1st Birthday party on Saturday! The Rabbit Fest was a bit overpriced for the size that it was, but what fair isn't overpriced? All the boys got to give a tiny monkey a quarter and he shook all of thier hands for luck, and Connor got to do it twice which he LOVED! He so wanted to hold that monkey!! It was hilarious though because the second time he did it the monkey came back and snatched a piece of funnel cake off of his shirt! It was so cute!! They also got to ride ponies. The big boys didn't want to have anything to do with the pony rides until they saw Connor do it. But they all loved it and had a good time. And Connor was in his own little piece of Heaven when we let him in the "petting zoo"....It was a caged pen with a tiny horse, a couple of goats, some ducks, a small donkey (I think) and some chickens and things like that. He just couldn't get enough of all of those animals! He loves them!!! He kept trying to lay his head on them and snuggle, and I almost got a picture of him doing it to a goat, but the damn thing got up and walked away before I could snap it, lol. And the big boys had fun riding the rides. Killian wasn't quite tall enough to do everything he wanted, but at least he hit the 42'' mark this year and was able to do a lot more than previous fairs! I think he said his favorite was the "arctic chill" which is like the Himalaya....just cars that go around a track really fast, then they go backwards. Then Saturday we went to Ethan's Birthday and had loads and loads of fun! King of the Grill himself cooked dinner, and it was pretty awesome. Somebody needs to give my husband some grilling lessons!! And while this past week was a bit of a struggle because Connor got sick and popped like 4 teeth all at once, one good thing did come out of it....He totally weened himself off of the binky!!!! That is so freaking great I can't even tell you. It was awful because he didn't want to eat or anything because it hurt and he didn't want to suck on the bink either. So he was miserable because he was hungry and if he wasn't in the bath playing or outside playing he was just completely unhappy and inconsolable. Then I figured out that he would eat gogurts! So that made things a little easier on everyone, but he still just refused the binky. So now the teeth are finished cutting and he's as happy as can be, and I swear he's making up for those three days because he's eating EVERYTHING in sight! But he doesn't seem to mind at all that the binky is no more! I'm so excited about this, but at the same time it's a little sad because now we're down to only one thing left to get rid of and then he's officially not a baby anymore!! (The last thing is diapers in case you were wondering what I was referring to.) Well, that's pretty much it, I need to get some laundry started and get to bed. I have an early day tomorrow...Hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, May 8, 2009

What a week!?

So, my husband has been back for an entire week as of today and needless to say it has been extremely interesting. It's just a large readjustment for him to go from "by myself" to having a family of four around all the time and vice versa for me. He does things that irritate the crap out of me, as I do things that annoy him. He moved the flipping silverware organizer because it annoys him that Connor loves to play in it, however I'm annoyed that the thing is moved, not that I have to pick up and rinse off spoons 5x a day. Killian is (pretty much) loving every minute of him being home though. With the excetpion of making him do things he doesn't want to do....but I can't blame him, I was the same way when I was 6. Anywho, last night Elliott was giving Connor a bath and I told him that there's a certain way to spray his head because he absolutely HATES getting his face wet. Well, he was standing in the bathtub and Elliott was holding his arm when Connor goes to take a step, slips, falls and smacks his eye on the edge of the tub. THANK GOD it's like fiberglass and not ceramic or I could only imgagine what he'd look like now. But he has a HUMONGOUS bruise and a small cut on the crease of his upper left eyelid. He looks like he was in a super big barfight! Poor baby!! But he's a trooper (haha Heather) and he is doing just fine today, and he was doing alright last night after about 30 mins. of crying. I just can't believe it happened! Ok, I know this doesn't make much sense (probably because I'm typing on the 30 sec. commecials while watching last night's Grey's) but I think that's about it for now. I hope everyone is having a great time being a whole family again!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rumor has it.....

We're moving to Eglin AFB, FL!!!! Ok, so my husband could TOTALLY be yanking my chain, but at this point I kind of actually believe him! Supposedly they "accidentally" (I say that because he said he turned it down but Batallion didn't put the paperwork through) automatically promoted him to E-6 and he came down on orders back to FL and we report in Nov!!!!! Now, if he is lying to me I just might have to commit serious bodily injury to him, but I am so excited! I can't believe it, I would love to go back! And be closer to our family.....I <3 Charleston! That's pretty much it for now. I still have no idea when he'll be home and I (along with probably everyone else) am completely fed up with the flip flopping! I will not believe anything until I can physically touch him! Ok, I'm super tired and I need to pry myself away from apt. hunting!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poor baby!

So, Connor is ill. What a bummer! And right before the Dad comes home and there's already a TON on my plate! I just hope he feels better soon, and it's only a 24 hr. thing. We were just sitting in the car, picking up Little Steve from school when I heard this awkward noise come from the backseat. I looked at Heather and said "did he just throw up?" and she said "Oh yeah he did! And he still is, and it's a lot!" So, I managed to clean him up as best as I could with some tissues, then Heather changed his shirt and we strapped him back in. He did alright on the ride back to Killeen and fell asleep, so I thought it was just a one time shot thing....maybe something from lunch didn't agree with him?? I went to stop by my house really quick to grab some things before I headed to get Killian and he started again :( I got him inside and ran him a bath. Heather hung out with him and washed him while he was in the tub, and he seemed to be feeling MUCH better. He was playing and babbling and what not, she took him out and got him dressed and I gave him some medicine (Emetrol) that's supposed to curb vommitting and nausea. Apparently in Connor it induced it. He threw up almost immediately after taking it. Then he played a little bit on the floor, mainly just because we were trying to tear the carseat apart to get it washed, and then he fell asleep. He slept for about 1/2 an hour or so before he woke up and seemed to be feeling better again. Then he decided to get down and play on the floor with Killian for a few minutes, and eat a cracker and drink a little juice, then he climbed back on the couch with me. That's when I noticed he felt incredibly warm all of a sudden. Sure enough, his temp is 103.2! Poor baby! I gave him some tylenol and motrin and now he's back asleep. Here's hoping this thing doesn't last long! I hate it when they have fevers, I know how uncomfortable they are. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to the shop and decorate for the homecoming, but I'm not sure that we'll be staying long! I guess we'll see when the time comes. This seriously seemed to come out of nowhere! Just a 1/2 hour before he was climbing up Tina's stairs and having a great time, then all of a sudden there's puke EVERYWHERE! It's so random! So maybe it will leave just as quickly as it came! I know this seems long and drawn out, but seriously all of this happened between 3 and 5:30. That's just wierd to me. Out of nowhere he starts throwing up?? Then out of nowhere comes a fever?? What the crap? Ok, I think I'm

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone's is going better than mine so far! Killian is being a T-total brat, as usual. He threw a fit because Connor got a car that makes noise, and wasn't happy with the Star Wars toy that he got. He has wanted and begged for this Star Wars toy for about 3 months though, mind you. But, it obviously just wasn't good enough. So after sitting in his room for 15 mins. or so and not doing anything because he acted so awful, he decided to come and apologize. After that things were going well, until he decided to not listen to me....again. Really? What has happened to my kid?? He used to be so good, and now he's just a terror! I'm not kidding, he doesn't listen to ANYTHING I tell him. So after opening the toy with 100 little pieces that I told him to wait to open, he got in more trouble. And now he's just put me and everyone else into a bad mood. Good God I can't wait until his Dad comes home. Maybe it'll be what he needs to get back to his old self again. Or maybe he'll just be a monster for the rest of his life?? Who knows! I just know that it better end soon or I'm going to go INSANE! I've run out of punishment options, nothing I do seems to make an impact. Even taking away the video games has lost it's magic. Oh well, enough ranting. Have a great Easter (I hope!)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


So, I took the boys to the Dr. on Monday to check thier weights. I have no idea why she seemed concerned about Connor, we've never had a problem with his, but mainly Killian's since he dropped weight a few months ago. Both of them are ok as far as that goes, Connor is 19 and 3/4, Killian is still at 37. Then on Tuesday BOTH of them woke up sick!! Fanfreakingtastic. It's just wonderful to have 2 normal kids one day and 2 cranky, coughy, stuffy nose, bratty kids the next day! + Connor is cutting 2 teeth which also adds to his crankiness. I guess it isn't so bad, I'm just not used to him acting like this! Killian either has another, or still has the same, ear infection. It's never been this bad before. It started draining yesterday and when I woke up this morning he was sleeping in an upright position on the couch, and there was like a pool of fluid in his ear. It seriously took a paper towel and about 12 Q-Tips to get it all out! ICK! The only reason I'm waiting to take him in on Monday is that his Dr.'s know what antibiotic he was on last time and I can't remember the name of it. And it was some kind of strong one, not just normal amoxicillan or augmentin. Obviously they aren't working, and he's just going to develope an immunity to them if they keep on prescribing them. I don't know what they're going to do?? I just know that he's either had one recurring, ongoing one that the meds have subsided repeatedly without fully curing, or he every month he gets a new one. He's been having them regularly since November. This is nuts! He's six years old and hasn't had ear infections since he was around 1. I also think it's possible that Connor has one as well. He's had a lot of drainage and stuff so more than likely he will.

On to more exciting news...We're dying Easter eggs tonight! I LOVE helping Killian do this. And probably next year I'll love helping Connor also! Heather and Steve and Steve are coming over to do some also, and the neighbors kids might join in as well. I can't believe Easter is already so close! That means my husband's homecoming is becoming more of a 3 weeks to go instead of a 3 weeks down! I can't believe a year has almost passed since they left. It really doesn't seem like it's been that long. Yeah, there are days when it seems like he's been gone around 3 years, but for the most part it went by really quickly. I'm just not looking forward to the massive arguement that will ensue. Our giant debate about going home to South Carolina....I seriously want to go, especially since we are now limited to Summer and Christmas breaks with Killian in school. Elliott, however, would sooner scrape up cow crap off the side of the highway. Nice huh? It's not that he doesn't love his family, nor is it that he just doesn't want to see them, it's the bickering and what not that goes on between his Mother and whoever she happens to single out that day. He can't stand that she's so sensitive and gets upset over EVERYTHING that doesn't go her way....much like a 5 year old. I'm excited though! So excited! My banner should be here Monday, then I just need to get some other small decorations for the house and the tree outside, then some chalk paint for the car and house windows and we're set!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So, after a ton of bullying from EVERYONE I know (with the exception of one neighbor) I got Connor's hair cut! Seriously, there wasn't a single person, whether they knew me or not, that agreed that I should keep letting his hair grow. My friends, aquaintences, Mom, sister, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, perfect strangers at Walmart, old ladies at Hobby Lobby, and even my husband all kept telling me to "cut that baby's hair!" "Make it so it's out of his eyes!" Sooooo.....I did. And I don't like it much at all. It's sort of growing on me, but only because I know it will be at least a year until we're back at square one. We were almost to the point where it would FINALLY stay tucked behind his ears, but now we're not even close! I will be patiently waiting for it to grow out again, I wanted to leave it and make it long, but I figured what the heck, it'll grow back! Now I'm thinking "oh lord, it'll take FOREVER to get back to where it was!" Anywho, long story longer, I will not be cutting his hair again in the near future, unless it's just to trim up the back because it will start looking like a mullet.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just a few free minutes

Killian has his first baseball game @ 10 am today! The only crappy part is this weather! Goodness, it seems like every time he had a game for soccer it was freezing and windy, and now the same is happening for baseball. It SUCKS! Poor Connor always tries to kick off his blanket, and he ends up just sitting there being super cold from the wind blowing so hard...ugh! Oh well, enough ranting about this crappy TX weather! Here's some pics from the birthday party, and a couple from Connor wrecking shop in the kitchen! He LOVES to destroy it, the minute he's figured out it's clean he immediately starts wreaking havoc on the cabinets! It's like a race to see how much he can get out before I catch him! I think there's also some of him playing with the ball (catch.....fetch? is his new favorite game!) and he's wearing his big boy jammies :( Oh yeah, and his cake says "Happy Birthday Connorsaurus" which is why his name looks so long....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So..the school sends home Killian's class pic (paid for) and some spring pics (not paid for). The spring pictures magically turn out to be the cutest ones he has taken all year! Thing is, they're either 12 bucks a sheet, if you order less than all 4, or 10 bucks a sheet if you order all of them. I've spent a RIDICULOUS (I'm not overexaggerating when I say that!) amount of money on pictures this year, with Connor being a baby and needing them every 3 months and all. I've already purchased a rather large package of Killian's school pics which just so happen to, let's just say not so good. And, those were the flipping retakes.....because the originals looked horrendous as well. I think what they do is take crappy, one shot photos for the ones you had to pay for before you saw them, then the ones they send home to entice you into spending more money, (i.e. the spring ones) they take several shots until they get a cute one to ensure that you will maybe purchase something. I have no idea, call me crazy, but that's what it seems like to me! Needless to say, I will be dumping another $24 into pictures to keep 2 sheets of these and I'm DONE until Christmas. And even then I'll probably only get the $10 package! I think I'm done venting now! Except for the fact that I'm a liar and I know I'll be buying the baseball pictures when they take those too. And football and basketball....all of which come before Christmas. Geeze kids are expensive! Ok, now I really am done!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Guess what!?

Connor is WALKING!! Yes sir, he took his first "true" steps today. He's doing quite well with it, but you have to start him out standing, and once he falls he just crawls, he won't stand himself back up. But he can stand up on his own, he just won' If you stand him back up he will do it again until he falls. Sometimes it's 2 steps, sometimes 20. I'm so excited but sad at the same time. This growing too fast business is NOT good! He's also wearing his first pair of "big boy" jammies tonight :(. That's right, real jammies, not footies....he still has footies but it's just the point that he's big enough to fit in the shorts/pants and shirt sets. His birthday party went pretty well although Chick fil A seemed to have no idea what to do...haha. And Walmart screwed up my cake order, AGAIN! They seriously made it for last weekend (I swear I called and moved it to the 21st!) Luckily enough the chick said she could make one in about 45 mins. and Heather's husband was planning on leaving thier house around that time, so he was able to grab it. FLIPPING WALMART! I think I'll go to HEB the next time I need a cake! And, Connor did the same thing as Killian, once the cake was in front of him and ready for the taking, he wanted nothing to do with it! No messes, nothing. Finally my neighbor smashed it in his face. He continued to sit there and pick off the sprinkles on the top, but he refused to eat the cake. We had fun. (Or at least I did). I'll post pics later, but it's time to get the boy ready for bed! He's SUPER tired because they had thier first coach pitch baseball practice tonight. The guys said he did really well, and while he had to have quite a few directions (duh, he's never played before) he took them well and listened to everything they said! He seems to like it. Now I just have to go to Walmart and grab some pants before they run out of X-Small grey! I'm also glad that they didn't double up thier games for this sport, so it's one game a Saturday and it goes well into mid May I do believe, which is awesome cause then Elliott will be here to see him play some! That's EXCITING! Although I'm sure he would've rather seen him play soccer, I bet this will be just as fun for him (them).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He's 1!!! :(

Lol. Yes, Connor is officially one year old!? How in the world did that happen? It was exactly one year ago today that we were released from the hospital (it felt like we were in there MUCH longer though!) And today we went to Sears to get his 1 year photos done. I wasn't too impressed with the portrait innovations place. So, back to Sears I went, and I got pretty much everything I wanted except that I wanted one pic of him standing in the turtle outfit (we just did the chair in our last photos, but they're were cute here to I suppose) and I wanted the bathtub pic to be black and white with the accessories in color, but to do that is an extra $30 which I just didn't think was worth it. So, oh well. All in all I'm pretty pleased with the outcomes!