Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gooooooo Cowboys!

So, we won our first game! The kids did so well this week, it was awesome! The kids on both teams did really well. The other team had 1 kid that looked (and kicked) like he was 9 and they also had a smaller one that was super fast and really coordinated while he was kicking the ball and thier goalie was awesome, but somehow we managed to still get 5 points opposed to thier 2. It was a nice way to send out last weeks horrid game with crazy Mom! So anyways, I was just a little excited and kinda proud of our team so I figured I'd post about it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's official!

Connor can drink through a straw!!! We (his "dad" and I, haha) are SO excited about this because we've been working on it for about a month or so now. Maybe even longer?? He just wouldn't ever get the hang of the fact that you have to suck when it's in the drink too! Well, tonight at Cheddar's, with a little trickery from me, he did it! I know, I'm lame but this is so exciting! Anywho, we went to Target after dinner and I fo sho bought that boy some straw sippy cups! Now I just can't wait to use them tomorrow!!! Ugh, I'm such a nerd.....

Nami addict

So, we took the boys to Nami the other night because I wanted to do something special for Killian since he helped SO much when I was uber sick. He was a super big brother and kept Connor entertained for me, and he was also very good at "diaper and binky duty" as he puts it. So anyways, I thought he would enjoy it and he sure did! Now, that's like the only thing he ever says he wants to eat. I told him I'm taking him to Cheddar's tonight because I am SO PROUD of him for how well he's doing in school (we'll get into that in a second) and he said "but I like Nami and I want to watch the onion volcano erupt with soy sauce" lmao. He's such a trip! Speaking of him being a trip, that is what has me so proud! His teacher said he's an excellent student and she has no complaints. His only "problem" is that he gets really frustrated when it's time to go to lunch or pe or whatever and he hasn't finished the project he's working on. So, we will work on letting things that aren't completed go, and not freaking out just because it's not done! But other than that, she said he's doing really well. And she also LOVES his writing. Seriously, she cannot quit raving about how great his writing is and how much he thinks outside of the box. Due to his super creativity in writing she is going to recommend him for TAG! (talented and gifted education)....!!!! I am so excited about this! I was in it for most of my schooling and I had always hoped that maybe Killian would be able to do it because that's where I had the most fun! So, I was just over the moon with excitement for him. Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that he gets in! So, that's pretty much it. We're going to go to dinner then come home and work on our reading, since that's another not so strong area of his. She said he reads well, but doesn't really answer the questions too well which knocks him from level 2 reading to level 1 and the "standard" they hope to have the kids at by 1st grade is level 4, so we will be working on comprehension I suppose! I hope everyone is well, I'm so glad that all of us are finally feeling better! Now I just need to talk to my husband and tell him the good news!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

That pretty much sums it up!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is it safe to scream?

Ugh! Does it EVER end?? Suspicions confirmed, Connor has a double ear infection. I high tailed it back to the Dr. after my fever reached 102.2 last night and all they could say was "it's a virus. Just take your tylenol/motrin and wait it out. I hope you feel better soon." They even did a blood test so I couldn't really argue. Then we come home to find out that 1.) either the neighbors had them and sprayed, so now they are here or 2.)courtesy of the lawn guys, who finally decided to come mow the grass after at least a 2 month break, and also turned on my sprinklers which ran them into my house, we have ants again. In BOTH bathrooms. I noticed them in Killian's bathroom and was quietly cursing to myself when he came in and said "Mom there's ants in your bathroom and I ate sugar and they're sugar ants and they'll bite me....." Hooray! I'm guessing number 2 is the more likely cause of this situation, since it happens nearly every time they turn the sprinklers on for the first time. It's just FRUSTRATING! As if I don't have enough on my plate with sickness for me and my kids, now you have to give me ants to get rid of as well!? UGH! And, there's nothing I can do about them right at the moment because I have no bug killer of any kind available...and I'm not dragging my kids out of bed to get it. Oh well, another day another drama I suppose. Life is grand! I swear I'll quit griping as soon as things get better!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


So, I have been feeling like crap for the past 5 days. I've been running an awful fever and it's been keeping me up at night and down during the day. I really hope it goes away fast! I went to the Dr. on Fri. (day 3) and she said "it's probably a virus...but you have a sinus infection...blah blah blah..." and she really did absolutely nothing to help me. So, for the past two days I've been alternating tylenol and motrin almost every 2 hours. If I don't, the damn thing pops right back up. I figure, if it's safe for kids, it should be safe for least until tomorrow! I'm going back. She said if it's not gone by Monday to come back, and that's exactly what I intend to do. Hopefully she'll do some bloodwork or something because obviously something is out of whack. I really hope it gets fixed! Wish me luck! So, that's pretty much it. That's what I've been doing. And if you've called or IM'd and I haven't responded, that is exactly why. I'm really sorry, but I really do feel horrid! And the worst of it seems to happen during the evening, what's up with that? I don't know. But I'm tired, so that's it for now. I'll post an update if I have one! Hope everyone is well.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, Killian is ubelievably sick. I have no idea what is wrong with him or how to fix it. Right now he is taking 6 different medicines, 2 for what could've been an allergic reaction that caused the rash, one for the double ear infection he has, + benadryl, tylenol and motrin. Ugh. I really wish he wasn't so sick! I feel bad for him and I don't know whether or not to be frustrated because he's possibly overexaggerating his symtoms or to be freaked out because he could be in that much pain. Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner since we were out buying diapers and filling scripts anyways and he started shaking saying he was cold and tired....What? Since when does being tired make you shake?? But he was, from head to toe, literally. Teeth chattering and all. And I don't know what to do about that. I don't know if he was really that cold or if he was just doing it, ya know? Who knows?? I just hope the poor guy feels better SOON! This is unreal how much he has been sick lately. He's had an almost constant cough, off and on fevers for like a week or 2 and now ear infections and rashes....what's next? They did bloodwork as well because he's lost 2 lbs. since the last time we were at the Dr. which really isn't good since he is underweight anyway. He's down to a measley 33 lbs. which for a 6 year old does not seem good. Hopefully they'll just come back as everything is good and grand though. And he's just not gaining weight because I can't get him to eat. Oh well, I guess that's it for now. It sounds like a big ol' storm is on it's way and I have crap to get out of the car. Hope everyone is doing better than us!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Here I sit at 3:43 AM because Darnall hospital ER BLOWS! Seriously, I took my kid in with a mysterious rash at 8 PM yesterday, and now, almost 8 hours later I am finally home. Tell me that is not some ridiculous shit! I swear they saw just about every other person in that ER, whether they were there before me or not, before they saw my child. They took so friggin' long that the damn thing (the rash) went away before we were even seen by a Dr. WTF? I seriously doubt I will EVER go back to that ER again. Metroplex here I come! I'm not even kidding you, they saw someone who came in on crutches like 3 hours AFTER we had been back to get Killian's vitals before they saw us. I'm not saying that the chick on crutches is not as important as my kid's rash, but for real 8 freaking hours??!! Ugh, I'm just super tired and really pissed and there's nobody that it would be appropriate to call and bitch to at this hour, so I decided to bitch to my blog!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Soccer Game!

So, today was Killian's very 1st Soccer game, and it was a lot of laughs. It's really hilarious to watch all these tiny kids try and knock each other down to get a ball! We scored the only point made, unfortunately it was kicked into the wrong goal! It was fun though, and the kids weren't upset at all that they lost. At the end the parents of the other team decided to make a tunnel since they won, well none of the kids really understood why they were making it, so after the handshakes ALL of the kids ran through it. It was pretty hilarious if you ask me. Well, that's pretty much it. I think I'm going to take his T-shirt to the sporting goods store and get his name on it. He's number 6 which he believes is because he's six years old. Haha.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Potty Putty

So, why do they make DISGUSTING toys like this? It is so gross! It's basically GAK (for those w ho remember the Nickelodeon stuff!) but it comes in a container shaped like a toilet that is especially good for making fart noises! It's so icky! Killian loves it, of course. All I'm saying is they used to make the same exact stuff and put it in a container that was shaped like a "splat" of slime. It made the same noises and did all the same stuff, so why in the world would someone think to put it in a toilet? EW! Man I love having boys!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wii Fit!

Is totally awesome! It's so much fun it's truely unbelievable that it is real exercise! I love it and I think everyone should run out and get one too! Right now! Chop Chop! Haha. It's great and I thought I would share. That is all.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Ok, so they took 104 photos of my kids and I am not posting every single one! And they put every one on the disc, so I just sorted through some and picked what I'm pretty sure are my favs. There may be some that look funky or whatever, and I probably didn't mean to pick those, but the thumbnails are small so bear w/ me! Ugh, I'm feeling quite a bit better today but still not fully recovered which is why I'm making this short and sweet! I love the ones with Killian's friend Kennedy. She's an adorable little girl! They used to have the BIGGEST crushes on each other!

I got tagged.....kinda

Husband Tag

what's your husbands name?

how long have you been married?
7 years on May 25th.

how long did you date?
Off and on for about 3 years.

how old is he?
28 going on 82.

who eats more sweets?
That would have to be me. He's not much of a fan until you put some oreos in front of him!

who is a better singer?
Hmmmm....I'm gonna have to go with

who is smarter?
It would depend on the topic. We both have our strengths...and he has his weaknesses...hahahah JUST KIDDING!

who does the laundry?
Neither! lol. Me. And sometimes him.

who pays the bills?
I pay them with money he makes.

who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
If you're looking at it? I do.

who mows the lawn?
The lawn guys.

who cooks dinner?
Now, me. Moslty him. He likes to do it, and usually can do it better. (Not kidding this time!)

who drives?
I do! I can't stand being a passenger! Even when I ride with my Mother, who I managed to be a passenger to my whole life, I still prefer to drive!

who is the first to say they are wrong?
What do you mean wrong??? Neither one of us are ever wrong! :)....I'm sticking with Robin on this one!

who kissed who first?
It kinda just happened.

who asked who out first?
He asked me out

who wears the pants?
That would be me! He looks quite nice in a skirt...lmao

I tag :

all of you!!!!