Monday, February 9, 2009


Here I sit at 3:43 AM because Darnall hospital ER BLOWS! Seriously, I took my kid in with a mysterious rash at 8 PM yesterday, and now, almost 8 hours later I am finally home. Tell me that is not some ridiculous shit! I swear they saw just about every other person in that ER, whether they were there before me or not, before they saw my child. They took so friggin' long that the damn thing (the rash) went away before we were even seen by a Dr. WTF? I seriously doubt I will EVER go back to that ER again. Metroplex here I come! I'm not even kidding you, they saw someone who came in on crutches like 3 hours AFTER we had been back to get Killian's vitals before they saw us. I'm not saying that the chick on crutches is not as important as my kid's rash, but for real 8 freaking hours??!! Ugh, I'm just super tired and really pissed and there's nobody that it would be appropriate to call and bitch to at this hour, so I decided to bitch to my blog!