Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is it safe to scream?

Ugh! Does it EVER end?? Suspicions confirmed, Connor has a double ear infection. I high tailed it back to the Dr. after my fever reached 102.2 last night and all they could say was "it's a virus. Just take your tylenol/motrin and wait it out. I hope you feel better soon." They even did a blood test so I couldn't really argue. Then we come home to find out that 1.) either the neighbors had them and sprayed, so now they are here or 2.)courtesy of the lawn guys, who finally decided to come mow the grass after at least a 2 month break, and also turned on my sprinklers which ran them into my house, we have ants again. In BOTH bathrooms. I noticed them in Killian's bathroom and was quietly cursing to myself when he came in and said "Mom there's ants in your bathroom and I ate sugar and they're sugar ants and they'll bite me....." Hooray! I'm guessing number 2 is the more likely cause of this situation, since it happens nearly every time they turn the sprinklers on for the first time. It's just FRUSTRATING! As if I don't have enough on my plate with sickness for me and my kids, now you have to give me ants to get rid of as well!? UGH! And, there's nothing I can do about them right at the moment because I have no bug killer of any kind available...and I'm not dragging my kids out of bed to get it. Oh well, another day another drama I suppose. Life is grand! I swear I'll quit griping as soon as things get better!