Monday, February 2, 2009

I got tagged.....kinda

Husband Tag

what's your husbands name?

how long have you been married?
7 years on May 25th.

how long did you date?
Off and on for about 3 years.

how old is he?
28 going on 82.

who eats more sweets?
That would have to be me. He's not much of a fan until you put some oreos in front of him!

who is a better singer?
Hmmmm....I'm gonna have to go with

who is smarter?
It would depend on the topic. We both have our strengths...and he has his weaknesses...hahahah JUST KIDDING!

who does the laundry?
Neither! lol. Me. And sometimes him.

who pays the bills?
I pay them with money he makes.

who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
If you're looking at it? I do.

who mows the lawn?
The lawn guys.

who cooks dinner?
Now, me. Moslty him. He likes to do it, and usually can do it better. (Not kidding this time!)

who drives?
I do! I can't stand being a passenger! Even when I ride with my Mother, who I managed to be a passenger to my whole life, I still prefer to drive!

who is the first to say they are wrong?
What do you mean wrong??? Neither one of us are ever wrong! :)....I'm sticking with Robin on this one!

who kissed who first?
It kinda just happened.

who asked who out first?
He asked me out

who wears the pants?
That would be me! He looks quite nice in a skirt...lmao

I tag :

all of you!!!!