Sunday, February 15, 2009


So, I have been feeling like crap for the past 5 days. I've been running an awful fever and it's been keeping me up at night and down during the day. I really hope it goes away fast! I went to the Dr. on Fri. (day 3) and she said "it's probably a virus...but you have a sinus infection...blah blah blah..." and she really did absolutely nothing to help me. So, for the past two days I've been alternating tylenol and motrin almost every 2 hours. If I don't, the damn thing pops right back up. I figure, if it's safe for kids, it should be safe for least until tomorrow! I'm going back. She said if it's not gone by Monday to come back, and that's exactly what I intend to do. Hopefully she'll do some bloodwork or something because obviously something is out of whack. I really hope it gets fixed! Wish me luck! So, that's pretty much it. That's what I've been doing. And if you've called or IM'd and I haven't responded, that is exactly why. I'm really sorry, but I really do feel horrid! And the worst of it seems to happen during the evening, what's up with that? I don't know. But I'm tired, so that's it for now. I'll post an update if I have one! Hope everyone is well.