Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nami addict

So, we took the boys to Nami the other night because I wanted to do something special for Killian since he helped SO much when I was uber sick. He was a super big brother and kept Connor entertained for me, and he was also very good at "diaper and binky duty" as he puts it. So anyways, I thought he would enjoy it and he sure did! Now, that's like the only thing he ever says he wants to eat. I told him I'm taking him to Cheddar's tonight because I am SO PROUD of him for how well he's doing in school (we'll get into that in a second) and he said "but I like Nami and I want to watch the onion volcano erupt with soy sauce" lmao. He's such a trip! Speaking of him being a trip, that is what has me so proud! His teacher said he's an excellent student and she has no complaints. His only "problem" is that he gets really frustrated when it's time to go to lunch or pe or whatever and he hasn't finished the project he's working on. So, we will work on letting things that aren't completed go, and not freaking out just because it's not done! But other than that, she said he's doing really well. And she also LOVES his writing. Seriously, she cannot quit raving about how great his writing is and how much he thinks outside of the box. Due to his super creativity in writing she is going to recommend him for TAG! (talented and gifted education)....!!!! I am so excited about this! I was in it for most of my schooling and I had always hoped that maybe Killian would be able to do it because that's where I had the most fun! So, I was just over the moon with excitement for him. Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that he gets in! So, that's pretty much it. We're going to go to dinner then come home and work on our reading, since that's another not so strong area of his. She said he reads well, but doesn't really answer the questions too well which knocks him from level 2 reading to level 1 and the "standard" they hope to have the kids at by 1st grade is level 4, so we will be working on comprehension I suppose! I hope everyone is well, I'm so glad that all of us are finally feeling better! Now I just need to talk to my husband and tell him the good news!