Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, Killian is ubelievably sick. I have no idea what is wrong with him or how to fix it. Right now he is taking 6 different medicines, 2 for what could've been an allergic reaction that caused the rash, one for the double ear infection he has, + benadryl, tylenol and motrin. Ugh. I really wish he wasn't so sick! I feel bad for him and I don't know whether or not to be frustrated because he's possibly overexaggerating his symtoms or to be freaked out because he could be in that much pain. Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner since we were out buying diapers and filling scripts anyways and he started shaking saying he was cold and tired....What? Since when does being tired make you shake?? But he was, from head to toe, literally. Teeth chattering and all. And I don't know what to do about that. I don't know if he was really that cold or if he was just doing it, ya know? Who knows?? I just hope the poor guy feels better SOON! This is unreal how much he has been sick lately. He's had an almost constant cough, off and on fevers for like a week or 2 and now ear infections and rashes....what's next? They did bloodwork as well because he's lost 2 lbs. since the last time we were at the Dr. which really isn't good since he is underweight anyway. He's down to a measley 33 lbs. which for a 6 year old does not seem good. Hopefully they'll just come back as everything is good and grand though. And he's just not gaining weight because I can't get him to eat. Oh well, I guess that's it for now. It sounds like a big ol' storm is on it's way and I have crap to get out of the car. Hope everyone is doing better than us!


Robin said...

Poor baby! I am so sorry, I wish that it would all go away. We have been sick as a dog here, Trevor and I have been throwing up, fever and diaharea. Yuck!!! My prayers are with you guys.