Haha. So, my husband will be home TOMORROW! I have no idea what time, which is driving me INSANE, but I am so over the moon nothing is really bothering me, not even the fact that Killian's room is still a mess and I haven't finished the dishes! I'm sure it will get done before he gets home, and if it doesn't I highly doubt he'll care. So, we're waiting until tomorrow to open our gifts and me and the big boy cannot wait! I'm so excited to see him open his presents. It was a little sad because on Christmas morning I left 4 gifts unwrapped and just put bows on them so the boys could at least get something on Christmas day, but Elliott wouldn't miss out on any actual gift openings. Well, Killian got a Rubik's cube and a Bakugan which he was totally into, but he quickly got this very sad and somewhat disappointed look on his face and he said "Mom, I think Santa forgot my Nintendo DS"......it was a little heartbreaking! But I think it's awesome because he should be even more thrilled to find out that he actually did not forget! Connor got a shape sorter and a spinny thing that he kinda likes but doesn't really care too much about....be quiet Ashley! I know exactly what you're thinking! So anywho, tomorrow should be a really awesome day! I told Elliott that I don't care what time it is, or what mood he's in, he had better run into the house, put on the Christmas jammies and let this boy open his stuff! Well, that's really all for now, and it's 2 am so I think I should probably go crash so I have a buttload of energy for tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well and everyone had a fabulous holiday! Next up, a drunken post from New Year's! lmao.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Santa's loading up the sleigh!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm so excited!
So, I'm in a SUPER good mood! I am so looking forward to this next week, which I have a huge feeling will just fly by! I can't wait until Santa comes! I'm completely done shopping, I think and all that has yet to come in the mail is Killian's Santa gift....a Nintendo DS! He's going to freak out, that is the ONLY thing he has asked for and the only thing he really, really, wants. I just can't wait until he gets it. I have no idea what to put in Connor's stocking! That's the only thing I haven't bought....so I guess I'm a liar and I haven't finished my shopping, but I'm really at a loss as to what to put in a 9 month olds stocking. I think I might do bathtub toys or something. Oh well, I don't have much else to write about, but I do have to finish fluffing my tree, yes I know I put it up like a week and 1/2 ago and still haven't finished fluffing and decorating it....and I have to wrap all of these presents! Oh yeah, and I also LOVE Heather to death! She came and cleaned my carpets for me this evening and they're all one color!!!!!!!!! And it isn't black!!!! lol. Ahhh, the excitement! I feel like a kid waiting for the first day of school! I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight! I'd also like to congragulate Bernie on the birth of Slade! He is soooooo cute and he makes the most adorable noises ever! Hope everyone is feeling as great as I am!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 8:18 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Just not good.
So, I found out last Tues. that my Grandmother (on my father's side) passed away Saturday the 29th. I drove to Oklahoma first thing Wednesday morning so I could make the funeral that was at 2 pm that day. It was a very nice service and I'm really glad that through the magic of the internet (Myspace no less) they were able to find me and tell me the news before it was too late for me to make it. It would have been awful not to have been able to go so I'm very grateful for that. I was also abnle to see tons of family that I haven't seen in a LONG time. In a better world we would have gotten together under more happy circumstances, but at least I still got to see them. We made it home around 6 pm. Sunday night and now we're just trying to get readjusted and back in the swing of things. That little out of nowhere trip really threw us for a loop! All of our schedules got messed up not to mention the house that I can't seem to clean because the only time the baby isn't crying is when I'm holding him! He's teething and (apparently) sick w/ something because he's thrown up twice since Saturday. I know it's wierd! He threw up once Saturday morning so we put him on juice for the rest of the day, he did fine Sunday, then he woke up this morning and only drank about 1/4 of his cup, then he went back to sleep for a little while, then he woke up again and still only drank about 1/4 of a cup. I managed to get him to drink about 1/2 of it and the he was just crying and fussy and finally he coughed a few times and just threw up all over me (sorry to be graphic, no other way to explain, lol) so I put him back on juice and he's been fine. He won't eat solids either though so I hope this goes away fast! And if it doesn't I suppose we'll be back at the dr's office. This is just craziness though! The poor fella has 2 front teeth coming and he is just not happy! Hopefully he'll be back to himself soon! Well, that's pretty much it for now. Hope everyone is doing great!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Day is gone already!?!?!
So, I can't believe Thanksgiving has already happened! I swear just a few days ago it still seemed like it was forever away! This is so exciting because the faster time flies the quicker my husband will be home! I'm a little disappointed that the plans fell through and (apparently) he will no longer be home for Christmas :(. But, I suppose we can just hold it late.....poor Killian! He's not going to appreciate having to wait to open his presents!! He might understand though. Anyways, I had a fabulous weekend! Heather was generous enough to invite me and the boys over for Thanksgiving with her and her sister and the rest of thier family, and Ms. Ashley. We had fun, I think the best part was watching Ashley try to play guitar hero....haha. Then my Aunt, cousin and her son came to visit Friday! They just left a few hours ago, and we had a great time while they were here. We even managed to finally get my living room rearranged so I'll have the perfect place for my Christmas tree. I think I like it this way a TON better, it seemed so small and kind of dark before and now it looks much better and more open! Well, that's pretty much all that's been happening. I can't wait until next month!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 12:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It's been a while.
So, I haven't posted in a while. Well, Megan left today and we had a great time with her while she was here. Her husband was able to fly out and spend 2 days here as well, so that was exciting, especially for Killian who hasn't had any male attention in months. He definitely loved seeing his Aunt and Uncle! (Although he made it quite clear that Chris was his favorite grown up...my belief is because he didn't get on to him for anything, lol.) The kids and I are having a great time. Connor finally popped a fourth tooth! Man was he incredibly fussy the last day and 1/2.....I'm seriously not kidding, I was worried that my perfect baby was changing and not for the better! (How could he get better?? haha.) And Killian is doing awesome in school. He's got his test on word list 9 Friday and hopefully he will pass, then only 2 to go!! I know I blog about these word lists a lot, but that's because they are annoying! I did a little online shopping today and got a killer deal on a coat for Killian. They had fleece lined coats that were normally $60 on sale for $15, and I got him a dinosaur raincoat, umbrella and rain boots that were also on sale hella cheap. Normally just the coat runs $28 and I got all 3 items for $30!! I also did some mad Gymboree shopping, and Ashley can say what she will, but the clothes were effing cute! Connor got basically everything he will need for the rest of winter....but I might go back and get just a few more things that I want that I didn't see before. I also earned some more Gymbucks so life is exciting!! I love shopping, I really might need therapy....NOT retail though, like real therapy, haha. That's pretty much all I've done lately. I'm thinking Friday or Saturday night I'll take the boys to the laser light show at the planetarium. Killian really wants to see the Guitar Hero one. I feel bad because the tiny fair is back in town, and we drive by it almost every time we go somewhere, and he REALLY wants to go, but we went last year and it sucked! It's so small, and he always wants to ride the bigger rides because there aren't many kids rides, and he can't because he's too small, then we leave with him disappointed that he couldn't ride anything else. Also, I would have to ride some rides with him and I have no one to watch Connor while I do that, + I just think it's not worth the money. Ok, enough rambling about the fair! Well, my sister FINALLY got married last Friday (yes, on my birthday....you can tell how much she really loves me!) and I'm super excited for her. They should be getting back from thier honeymoon tomorrow so I'm excited to hear all about it. It was a bummer I wasn't able to make it home for the wedding though. And I just found out my cousin is getting married next month and he and his fiance are planning on trying to start a family in March! That is incredibly exciting because he will make one helluva dad! He's wanted kids for a while now, and I felt a little guilty last time I saw him because his first marriage ended over children (he wanted them, she didn't) and I was pregnant, and it was still a pretty new situation (being a divorcee) for him, so I'm very happy for him and his bride to be! Well, that's about all I have to blog about for now. Hope all is well.
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 10:02 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I updated some past blogs. I put new pics and in the "Sleepy", ""....Shiners", and "Busy" blogs and I'm currently posting a video of the babies at the bottom of the "Sleepy" blog. I think I also added some to the "Halloween" blog too.....idk, I'm tired! Well, we had a great holiday and I can't wait until Thanksgiving. I'm contemplating going up to OK for that, but we'll see. Then it will only be a few weeks until I finally get to see my husband! I'm so excited, I just can't wait. Even though we had our first "official" phone fight the other day....it was stupid and petty, just nonsense that's irking both of us....speaking of, does anybody want a Saturn SC something or other??....anywho, lol, I know this doesn't make a lick of sense, but the Saturn is one of our topics of disagreement right now. I think the stress is starting to get to him, he's really disliking the location that he's in. I hope there's a remedy to that issue SOON! Not just for him but the people with him and/or in the same boat as him. It's just a bad situation for all involved. Anywho, hopefully he'll be doing better ASAP. That's pretty much it for now, I'm so incredibly tired, we had more Dolch words tonight.....he tests on list 7 tomorrow, then (if he passes) only 4 lists left to learn!! We're over 1/2 way done now! I can't wait for these things to be over, but I can guarantee that as soon as they are, they'll come out with something else that's as equally frustrating and time consuming! Oh well, what can ya do? Kid's gotta get an education, so I guess we'll just be toughing it out for the next 13 years.
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 9:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Busy night!

Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 2:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 10:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 10:04 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Toofers, bikes, shiners and Mama
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 8:29 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Gymbucks! and other stuff
I love it when it's Gymbuck redemption time! Elliott doesn't seem to appreciate it as much as me, but he'll get over it. So, Killian has had an array of colors in his folder this week. We started off semi-good and then went to really good, then waaaayyy down to really not good (for throwing math dots across the room) and back up to really good again. I don't understand how he can be at the top, then straight to the bottom, then straight back to the top again, it makes no sense! Oh well, at least he's doing well now. He got to talk to his Dad tonight, and Elliott told him he was very proud that he got a very good today, and the last time Elliott told him that he stayed on very good for like 2 1/2 weeks, so hopefully it will work again! And for longer! Lol. Anywho, Connor is losing his voice, I don't know if all the "jabbering" (I suppose you can call it that) he did at Plucker's has given him laringitis (sp?) or if he's getting sick or if it's the thrush maybe built up on his vocal chords? I have no clue, but he has no other side effects, he's not coughing or running a fever and there's no stuffy nose so who knows? Hopefully it will just disappear! Well, that's pretty much all that is going on lately. My sister-in-law will be here in 9 days!! That's pretty exciting. I am going to go now because I'm getting PRETTY repetitive.....haha.
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 7:53 PM 7 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Iraq and insomnia
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 7:57 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Something Exciting has happened!
Killian went to school today (duh) and he passed his "words" test 100%!!!! I was a little worried because he had them down pat here, I was just curious as to whether or not he'd know them when the teacher asked him what they were. Well, today was only supposed to be practice test to see where he was at as far as learning them, and I got a note in his folder that said "Start practicing list 2 because he tested them all right!" I was so proud! I almost started crying. It's awesome that the "method" we have for learning the words is working. I was worried that I may not be getting through to him fully, but apparently I am. Well, anyways, that's about it. Now my next worry is will they test him on List 2 Friday since he was supposed to take the "real" test for list 1 on Friday? Oh well, it only took a few days to learn the last list. Hopefully school will keep going this well.
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 10:33 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sippy cup bound and birthday parties!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Week In Review
So, last Tuesday my first "baby" turned 6. That's a little exciting and a little sad! I really can't believe how fast everything is going. Well, anyways, things have been pretty interesting around here. Connor is starting "real" foods. He's already tried squash, sweet potatoes, rice cereal with apples and apple juice. We introduced the sippy cup and while he did drink out of it, he did NOT like it! I think the flow was just too fast because he would take a few drinks, then have to stop, cough and breathe. So we will hold off on trying those again for a week or two. Killian (unsuccessfully) tried to make his own popcorn. He seriously put a bag in the microwave for a ridiculous amount of time. I have no idea how long it was, but it was enough that now, 3 days later, my house STILL smells like nasty, burnt popcorn. My neighbor was watching him, they were all playing outside and he ran in really quick and that's when he decided to try to make himself a snack. I had already caught him earlier when I heard him push the microwave button and he was trying to cook it for 5 minutes. I stopped it and told him that he couldn't have popcorn right then because I was about to go get dinner and that he needed to ask for help because he had set it for WAY too long. So much for listening! I swear, this one and his hard head, I just don't know what to do some times. But the popcorn ended up being a big black square on the side of the bag. I should've taken a picture. Then, we went to Cheddar's last night for dinner, and it was kinda crappy! Heather had ordered a dessert and they accidentally sent it to the wrong table, well, we told our waitress and it took the like 45 minutes to come and bring it out. It was ridiculous. So, I think I've actually had my fill of Cheddar's for a while....lol. I think tonight we're going to go to Texas Roadhouse since his Aunt Lora sent him another giftcard for his birthday and he really wants to use it. He loves getting gift cards and paying for things himself. He was a little disappointed when we got to Cheddar's last night, he was like "Cheddar's? I thought we were going to Texas Roadhouse...." So I guess I will drive him so he can take me to dinner tonight, lol. He's doing really well in school lately. No blowing in other people's hair or anything. And he's also started READING!!!! He's very excited about this. He alread knows the words: a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, far, go, cat and cats, up, see, I and help. That's all I can think of right now but I think it's pretty damn good! Well, that's all for now.
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Killian the FIBBER!
So, I found out his morning that my kid is already starting the tall tales about school. I dropped him off at his class (because I had to straighten out his lunch money situation, they gave him 2 different ID numbers) and I reminded him that he wanted to stay on green today. Well, his teacher looked at me like I was nuts! She said they didn't have anybody move to yellow yesterday. So I told her his story about how he was waiting in line and started to play with two cars and she said they don't even have cars. We both thought it was a little funny, but she said that I can rest assured that everyone did well yesterday and she won't even start them moving thier clothespins until next week. And when/if Killian does have to move his she'll be sure to mark it in his folder. I told her I was sorry and she said it's no problem at all. She said they drew pictures of what they did over summer vacation and he drew a spaceship...lol. So, maybe in Chicago he was in space? I did try to warn her before hand that he comes up with some crazy stuff! And about his "life" in Chicago. Oh well, hopefully it's a stage he'll grow out of. If not, maybe he'll be a really great author one day!?!?
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 12:55 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
My kids are wonderful!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Going down
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dum, Dum, Dum, Dum,Duuuummmmm.....
So today was pretty great. We went to BLORA and took the big boys on the waterslide. They had a blast with it, even though they only wanted to go down twice. They really wanted to go swimming and it was extrememly LAME because the beach was closed. Apparently they didn't have a lifeguard for the beach today. Um, sorry, but I think I'm capable of taking care of my child while he's swimming in a lake...but whatever. Nothing I can really do about that one. They had some skeaze out there chasing people on the beach away. lol. Anywho, I can't wait until the festival of lights!! Killian loves to go ride through them, and this will be Connor's very first one. I think he'll like it, he likes things that are illuminated. Other than the fact that it's been almost an entire week since I've heard from my husband, things are going great. I have to wake up pretty early tomorrow. Killian has an appt. at the school for his kindergarden screening! And Connor has a Dr. appt. in Harker Heights at 9 on Friday. Then Saturday we're going to the Temple mall since Spongebob will be making an apprearance! How exciting!! This will be our second meeting with Spongebob. Killian always get so excited waiting in line, then when he gets to the character (Spongebob, Curious George, Santa etc.) he gets all shy and hardly does/says anything. Oh well, at least he has fun in line?? haha. Well, that's pretty much it for now
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 8:34 PM 0 comments
My Baby!!
Is growing way too fast! Somebody make it stop...lol. So (although I'm pretty sure he has no idea what it means) he is already saying "dada". I think I may have posted about this before, but whatever. I still think it's totally adorable, and it counts as a word dammit! He is also getting his first tooth!! How crazy is that? He's growing like a weed. I can't believe how fast the time is flying. I really can't imagine how Killian is already starting kindergarden? It seems like such a short time ago that he was just learning to crawl....*tear. It's amazing how you take time for granted. I've already been married for 6 WHOLE years!! That's nuts. By the time Elliott comes home, we will have celebrated our 7th year of marriage. That's only 3 yrs. left until I secure half his retirement....haha j/k. Well, I'm really tired and we're planning on going to BLORA tomorrow so I need to get some sleep, but I am so excited (and sad) about Connor and how big he's getting. I guess I just have to go with it because I certainly can't reverse it. Oh yeah, one more thing he's doing that I forgot to put in last night....he's holding his own bottle! And almost crawling! (He's been doing the "revving engine" thing for about a month now) but as soon as he figures out how to put one arm in front of the other, instead of both at the same time, he'll be completely mobile. It's all so exciting but I want him to stay small!!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
What to do?
Oh my goodness! My child has become a destructo! He completely effed up his mattress. No, seriously, I'm going to have to get him a new one. He ripped the main binding that binds the top to the side almost completely off. What a terror!! Other than that, things are going pretty great. Heather's doing a lot better since her surgery and all my other friends seem to be doing great. Elliott is still stuck in a crappy place that is owned by British people, and they don't let them do ANYTHING at all that relates to thier job. His team is pretty bummed that they're just sitting doing nothing all the time. It blows for them, and I hope they remedy that ASAP. Well, Connor is getting pretty fussy so I guess I need to get going.
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thanks Bernadette!! (I hope the "chelsea" was me...lol)
Here's an ABC tag I was hit with...
A: Attached or Single? Attached
B: Best Friend? Elliott and Emily
C: Cake or Pie? Cake or Cream Pies, no fruit pies..
D: Day of the week? Friday!
E: Essential Item? My phone, kids and toiletries!
F: Favorite Color? Pink!
G: Gummy Bears or Worms? Um, bears, covered w/ chocolate
H: Hometown? Muskogee, OK originally and Charleston, SC (I spent equal amounts of time in each place..)
I: Indulgence? Coldstone!
J: January or July? January
K: Kids? Killian Quinn and Connor Mason.
L: Life isn't complete without? Elliott
M: Marriage Date? May 25, 2002
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters? 1 sis
O: Oranges or Apples? Apples
P: Phobias or Fears? Spiders, Snakes, Criminals, driving in the rain.
Q: Quote? "The only thing I'll ever ask of you ; you gotta promise not to stop when I say when" The Foo Fighters
R: Reasons to smile? My family, friends, and alcohal!
S: Superman or Wonderwoman? Wonderwoman...
T: Tag five people: Umm...Copying Bernadette....Robin, Heather, Renae, Sarah? And I don't know anyone else w/ a blog....
U: Unknown fact about me? I have no clue.
V: Vegetables? All of them!
W: Worst Habit? Swearing and smoking
X: X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds are (usually) more fun
Y: Your favorite food? Pasta, Seafood and Chinese
Z: Zodiac sign? Scorpio
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Oh my!
So today is a true testament as to whether or not I could handle 3 kids!! I think I'm doing ok considering mine has been an ornery brat! My amiga went to the ER yesterday and happened to need surgery (nothing serious, everything's fine) so I'm watching her offspring for the time being. It's pretty good except neither one want to listen when I tell them something, lol. So anywho, it's been pretty fun today, it's also Heather's 19th birthday!! So we went to Friday's, and totally embarrassed her with the clapping song...haha, she was a little pissed but she had fun. Well, apparently I'm really boring because I'm out of things to say!!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
For the very 1st time.
I decided maybe it's time to join the blog community. Almost everyone I know has one, so why not? What better time to start a journal than when you're having an aweful day?? Killian is driving me absolutely insane!! He seriously will not listen to a word I say today, and it's making me crazy. Connor, on the other hand, is being wonderful as usual. Killian's attitude has not been the same for the last several months, but it straightened out quite a bit while we were in Oklahoma and South Carolina, then we get back here and WHAM........he slaps me with this horrendous behavior. Oh well, hopefully when school starts he'll have more of his time occupied so maybe he won't be so restless. I talked to Elliott today. That was nice, aside from the phone disconnecting before we said goodbye. Oh well, at least I got to talk to him. Word of advice, I've figured out that if you're on the phone, thier phones will not beep through, it just sends it straight to voicemail, that blows! He tried to call back 3 x and I didn't get a single one of them. Ugh, I guess that's really all the ranting I have for today, time to go get on Killian's behind about cleaning his room!
Posted by love_my_eod_guy at 5:11 PM 0 comments